Player Stats

User: Sith
Class: Sith
Level: 381
Next level: 3 days, 10:20:18
Life: 100
XP: 5696
Gold: 21489489
Gems: 69275
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Rogue
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Fri May 10 12:35:18 2024
User Host: Sith!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Mon May 30 07:39:40 2022
Last login: Fri Dec 15 12:32:38 2023
Status: Online
Total time idled: 554 days, 22:05:57
Current position: [606,255]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 165 days, 09:59:08
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 2410341
boots: 1775616
charm: 2133672
gloves: 2023012
helm: 2006277
leggings: 1732362
ring: 2093327
shield: 2470872
tunic: 1922364
weapon: 2405250

Sum: 20973093

Expert 1: shield
Expert 2: tunic
Expert 3: weapon

Stone 1: XP
Stone 2: TTL
Stone 3: Life

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 7632
Battles Lost: 3649
Total Battle Time Removed: 33147 days, 13:12:24
Total Battle Time Added: 2077 days, 22:14:16
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: 19366 days, 18:50:39
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 3 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 7 days, 08:55:54

Total: 19377 days, 03:46:33
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[05/08/24 08:21:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) Sith [21028493/21437778] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [169752/700000] and WON! [0 days, 06:10:46] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [4] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/08/24 13:49:01] (RANDOMFIGHT) Sith [19697473/21438037] has come upon Hades [196926/347744] and taken them in combat! [2 days, 12:55:07] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [4] XP and Hades gets [1] XP. Hades has [95] life left.
[05/09/24 06:03:09] (ATTACK-CREEP) Sith [5590050/21438037] has attacked a Satan [181246/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:51:26 is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets 4 XP.
[05/09/24 06:03:11] (SLAY-DRAGON) Sith [6116230/21438037] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [503333/700000] and WON! [0 days, 03:41:34] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [2] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/09/24 15:32:05] (SLAY-DRAGON) Sith [16639077/21438293] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [156877/700000] and WON! [0 days, 03:20:42] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [2] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/09/24 15:32:05] (ATTACK-CREEP) Sith [7444898/21438552] has attacked a Satan [64253/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:29:22 is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets 4 XP.
[05/09/24 23:36:43] (ATTACK-CREEP) Sith [8499875/21438552] has attacked a Satan [41643/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:41:47 is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets 4 XP.
[05/09/24 23:36:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) Sith [15655238/21568187] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [321761/700000] and WON! [0 days, 02:40:38] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [8] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/10/24 06:23:06] (ATTACK-CREEP) Sith [19611558/21653182] has attacked a Satan [74375/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:51:19 is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets 5 XP.
[05/10/24 06:23:14] (SLAY-DRAGON) Sith [21427607/21653182] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [508369/700000] and WON! [0 days, 02:16:55] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [6] XP. Each item gains [25] points.

[View all Character Modifiers] (11853)
