Player Stats
User: RussBot |
Data Refreshed: Tue Jan 28 18:40:29 2025 |
amulet: 612122 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 3556 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/27/25 21:51:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [446918/6036686] has attacked a Satan [267112/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:39:30 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 5 XP.
[01/27/25 21:53:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) RussBot [11608221/12136560] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [177019/700000] and WON! [0 days, 03:07:43] is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets [2] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[01/28/25 01:51:45] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [4886390/6070192] has attacked a Satan [139283/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:52:15 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 5 XP.
[01/28/25 03:53:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) RussBot [3679306/12142844] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [143579/700000] and WON! [0 days, 02:42:30] is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets [5] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[01/28/25 05:52:00] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [2462049/6073143] has attacked a Satan [161193/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:09:21 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 3 XP.
[01/28/25 09:53:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [755222/6074148] has attacked a Satan [7752/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:00:40 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 3 XP.
[01/28/25 09:55:41] (SLAY-DRAGON) RussBot [9972818/12150410] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [205658/700000] and WON! [0 days, 02:49:27] is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets [1] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[01/28/25 13:53:52] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [1354457/6076821] has attacked a Satan [148804/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:16:51 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 4 XP.
[01/28/25 15:55:53] (SLAY-DRAGON) RussBot [10358016/12156400] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [111645/700000] and WON! [0 days, 02:25:52] is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets [8] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[01/28/25 17:54:06] (ATTACK-CREEP) RussBot [5109922/6111315] has attacked a Satan [14325/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:37:04 is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets 5 XP.