Player Stats

User: Reik
Class: Ya Me Entere
Level: 91
Next level: 0 days, 03:07:52
Life: 84
XP: 9833
Gold: 111992
Gems: 911
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Barbarian
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Fri May 10 14:37:17 2024
User Host: Reik!Reik@2001:470:202b::
Admin?: No
Account Created: Sun Jun 26 04:43:14 2022
Last login: Tue Aug 1 10:40:03 2023
Status: Online
Total time idled: 510 days, 01:57:24
Current position: [529,404]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 427 days, 09:26:42
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0 days, 08:25:04
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 349
boots: 358
charm: 359
gloves: 338
helm: 300
leggings: 347
ring: 316
shield: 1116
tunic: 2176
weapon: 1640

Sum: 7299

Expert 1: tunic
Expert 2: weapon
Expert 3: shield

Stone 1: TTL
Stone 2: Gem
Stone 3: Life

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 260
Battles Lost: 309
Total Battle Time Removed: 425 days, 06:24:09
Total Battle Time Added: 365 days, 06:44:59
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 1 day, 00:00:00
for quit: 0 days, 23:00:51

Total: 1 day, 23:00:51
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[05/03/24 04:37:53] Reik has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, Reik gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/03/24 11:49:18] (RANDOMFIGHT) Valverde [7540/10451] has come upon Reik [923/2953] and taken them in combat! [2 days, 03:41:20] is removed from Valverde clock. Valverde gets [3] XP and Reik gets [1] XP. Reik has [34] life left.
[05/06/24 06:43:21] (CALAMITY) Reik misplaced his map !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 10:41:14] from level [92] .
[05/08/24 11:05:21] (CALAMITY) Reik burned a hole through their leggings while ironing! Reik's leggings loses [10%] effectiveness.
[05/08/24 21:04:31] Reik, Saka, Demeter, freak, Tudor, and NimbleX have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[05/08/24 21:42:11] Reik has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, Reik gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/09/24 03:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ucsc [1817/1885] has challenged Reik [1633/7876] in combat and WON! [5 days, 05:47:03] is removed from ucsc clock. ucsc gets [3]XP and Reik gets [1]XP. Reik has [91] LIFE left.
[05/09/24 20:48:27] Reik, PiTBuLL, Ba'al, DarthMaul, Valverde, and Erebus have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[05/09/24 23:02:45] Reik has won the Neutral Battle! Reik received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/10/24 10:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Reik [457/7047] has challenged Hathor [34985/92453] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:00:38] is added to Reik clock. Reik gets [1]XP and Hathor gets [4]XP. Reik has [84] LIFE left.

[View all Character Modifiers] (1003)
