Player Stats

User: Poseidon
Class: god of the sea
Level: 83
Next level: 70 days, 13:42:56
Life: 100
XP: 8399
Gold: 82
Gems: 393
Upgrade level: 0
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Barbarian
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Thu May 9 17:34:16 2024
User Host: HexChat!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Wed Jun 1 07:49:00 2022
Last login: Mon Aug 7 09:54:18 2023
Status: Offline
Total time idled: 459 days, 11:40:12
Current position: [602,354]
Player is: in town
Work Time: 439 days, 06:02:05
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 174
boots: 181
charm: 89
gloves: 72
helm: 86
leggings: 139
ring: 66
shield: 190
tunic: 160
weapon: 200

Sum: 1357

Expert 1: weapon
Expert 2: tunic
Expert 3: 0

Stone 1: Gold
Stone 2: Life
Stone 3: rand

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 198
Battles Lost: 464
Total Battle Time Removed: 298 days, 16:57:58
Total Battle Time Added: 495 days, 13:33:09
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 1 day, 00:00:00
for quit: 1 day, 02:48:22

Total: 2 days, 02:48:22
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[02/15/24 20:03:02] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried Poseidon [22 days, 13:33:18] toward level [84].
[02/16/24 12:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Poseidon [993/1197] has challenged Bellingham [5748/12808] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 08:57:29] is added to Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [2]XP and Bellingham gets [4]XP. Poseidon has [82] LIFE left.
[02/18/24 06:35:54] (RANDOMFIGHT) Poseidon [287/1142] has come upon Verstappen [32711/34113] and been defeated in combat! [9 days, 10:35:59] is added to Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [2] XP and Verstappen gets [4] XP. Poseidon has [80] life left.
[02/18/24 16:38:52] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uranus [558/2741] has challenged Poseidon [766/1114] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 12:00:00] is added to Uranus clock. Uranus gets [2]XP and Poseidon gets [2]XP. Uranus has [97] LIFE left.
[02/20/24 19:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Thorin [199/598] has challenged Poseidon [515/1114] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 00:29:43] is added to Thorin clock. Thorin gets [1]XP and Poseidon gets [1]XP. Thorin has [68] LIFE left.
[02/21/24 04:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [95/614] has challenged Poseidon [546/1114] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 12:40:23] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [1]XP and Poseidon gets [1]XP. Hypnos has [82] LIFE left.
[02/23/24 07:56:28] (GODSEND) Poseidon stood under a tree when an apple fell into his mouth !!! This moves them [7 days, 16:49:59] closer towards level [84].
[02/24/24 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Poseidon [700/1114] has challenged Sauron [1939/2162] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 11:27:28] is added to Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [1]XP and Sauron gets [4]XP. Poseidon has [78] LIFE left.
[02/24/24 19:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Poseidon [643/1086] has challenged Romulus [26/407] in combat and WON! [13 days, 13:25:15] is removed from Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [3]XP and Romulus gets [2]XP. Romulus has [89] LIFE left.
[02/24/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Poseidon [993/1086] has challenged Jedi [52463/333778] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 21:02:08] is added to Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [2]XP and Jedi gets [4]XP. Poseidon has [76] LIFE left.

[View all Character Modifiers] (906)
