Player Stats

User: Hyperion
Class: of the twelve
Level: 79
Next level: 3 days, 07:28:02
Life: 95
XP: 8621
Gold: 73
Gems: 453
Upgrade level: 0
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Wizard
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Fri May 10 13:16:17 2024
User Host: hyperion!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Tue May 31 19:09:11 2022
Last login: Fri Apr 28 10:47:35 2023
Status: Online
Total time idled: 577 days, 19:06:08
Current position: [200,347]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 440 days, 01:26:39
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 150
boots: 133
charm: 96
gloves: 149
helm: 129
leggings: 144
ring: 105
shield: 74
tunic: 153
weapon: 162

Sum: 1295

Expert 1: amulet
Expert 2: tunic
Expert 3: charm

Stone 1: Gem
Stone 2: Gem
Stone 3: TTL

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 189
Battles Lost: 423
Total Battle Time Removed: 327 days, 13:54:02
Total Battle Time Added: 644 days, 01:34:40
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 1 day, 00:00:00
for quit: 0 days, 11:07:28

Total: 1 day, 11:07:28
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[04/26/24 14:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Chaos [394/438] has challenged Hyperion [5/1134] in combat and WON! [0 days, 00:00:26] is removed from Chaos clock. Chaos gets [4]XP and Hyperion gets [2]XP. Hyperion has [84] LIFE left.
[04/26/24 14:00:18] Chaos has dealt Hyperion a Critical Strike! [1 day, 06:54:15] is added to Hyperion clock.
[04/27/24 17:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hyperion [797/1082] has challenged tcl [534/909] in combat and WON! [3 days, 05:50:47] is removed from Hyperion clock. Hyperion gets [1]XP and tcl gets [1]XP. tcl has [91] LIFE left.
[04/27/24 21:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hyperion [25/1082] has challenged Seymour [5124/7896] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 04:27:20] is added to Hyperion clock. Hyperion gets [1]XP and Seymour gets [2]XP. Hyperion has [82] LIFE left.
[04/30/24 01:40:12] (CALAMITY) Hyperion ate a poisonous fruit !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 02:12:55] from level [80] .
[05/01/24 12:35:33] (RANDOMFIGHT) Prometheus [6/872] has come upon Hyperion [1045/1056] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 00:39:06] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [1] XP and Hyperion gets [3] XP. Prometheus has [52] life left.
[05/01/24 22:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HYDRA [174/419] has challenged Hyperion [1040/1056] in combat and LOST! [NA (-16060)] is added to HYDRA clock. HYDRA gets [1]XP and Hyperion gets [4]XP. HYDRA has [59] LIFE left.
[05/02/24 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hyperion [497/1056] has challenged Nasri [335/1036] in combat and WON! [3 days, 09:57:37] is removed from Hyperion clock. Hyperion gets [3]XP and Nasri gets [2]XP. Nasri has [12] LIFE left.
[05/06/24 00:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Fernandez [5571/10166] has challenged Hyperion [755/1056] in combat and WON! [1 day, 21:46:04] is removed from Fernandez clock. Fernandez gets [3]XP and Hyperion gets [1]XP. Hyperion has [78] LIFE left.
[05/07/24 14:25:10] tcl, Hyperion, Chaos, Thor, nbwzrd, and Valverde have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)

[View all Character Modifiers] (842)
