Player Stats
User: Hercules |
Data Refreshed: Tue Jan 28 18:21:27 2025 |
amulet: 308 |
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 217 |
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/24/25 22:37:16] Hercules has won the Rogue Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck Hercules!
[01/25/25 11:58:40] Auggie, Eowyn, Athena, Amon, Hercules, and AMNeSia - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[01/25/25 22:38:00] Hercules has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, Hercules gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/26/25 14:05:28] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried Hercules [9 days, 09:11:31] toward level [93].
[01/27/25 00:15:46] Hercules has won the Town Battle!
[01/27/25 00:15:46] Hercules received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 02:45:56] is removed from TTL!
[01/27/25 01:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) NightKing [501/611] has challenged Hercules [1178/2352] in combat and LOST! [20 days, 19:37:58] is added to NightKing clock. NightKing gets [1]XP and Hercules gets [2]XP. NightKing has [21] LIFE left.
[01/27/25 12:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) SkyWalker [217/1522] has challenged Hercules [1584/2228] in combat and LOST! [18 days, 05:58:49] is added to SkyWalker clock. SkyWalker gets [1]XP and Hercules gets [2]XP. SkyWalker has [78] LIFE left.
[01/27/25 23:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hercules [396/2228] has challenged Legolas [203461/210142] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 14:10:52] is added to Hercules clock. Hercules gets [1]XP and Legolas gets [4]XP. Hercules has [87] LIFE left.
[01/28/25 05:35:41] Hercules has won the Neutral Battle! Hercules received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.