Player Stats

User: Bunatatea
Class: Die-Hard-Rumanian-Vershan
Level: 101
Next level: 8 days, 14:30:06
Life: 100
XP: 8
Gold: 10935
Gems: 116
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Good
Ability: Paladin
Exp Used: 5/5
Scrolls Used: 3/5
Power Potion: 1/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 1/1

Data Refreshed: Fri May 10 09:12:18 2024
User Host: Bunatatea!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Fri Aug 12 16:04:45 2022
Last login: Mon Apr 15 01:39:39 2024
Status: Offline
Total time idled: 410 days, 12:45:02
Current position: [560,440]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 25 days, 07:29:44
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 3933
boots: 3847
charm: 3429
gloves: 2710
helm: 5609
leggings: 3846
ring: 3692
shield: 3450
tunic: 3054
weapon: 2773

Sum: 36343

Expert 1: leggings
Expert 2: weapon
Expert 3: 0

Stone 1: Gem
Stone 2: Gem
Stone 3: Gold

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 1262
Battles Lost: 736
Total Battle Time Removed: 899 days, 03:47:22
Total Battle Time Added: 263 days, 22:49:52
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 5

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: 0 days, 03:06:12
for quest: 7 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 1 day, 01:39:46

Total: 8 days, 04:45:58
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[04/15/24 01:47:45] (ATTACK-CREEP) Bunatatea [10028/75292] has attacked a Kraken [16494/60000] and LOST! [4 days, 00:56:15] is added to Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [2]XP. Bunatatea has [98] LIFE left.
[04/15/24 01:48:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) Bunatatea [15509/75720] tried to slay a Silver_Dragon [15907/70000] and LOST! [2 days, 02:53:30] is added to Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea reaches next level in [86 days, 22:34:01] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. Bunatatea gets [2] XP. Each item loses [9] points. Bunatatea has [95] LIFE left.
[04/15/24 01:49:56] (MANUAL-FIGHT [1/5]) Bunatatea [48289/48485] has challenged Gheorghe [9638/31954] and WON! [22 days, 14:30:07] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [3]XP, Gheorghe gets [1]XP. Gheorghe has [99] life left. Bunatatea reaches next level in [64 days, 08:02:42].
[04/15/24 01:49:56] Bunatatea has dealt Gheorghe a Critical Blow! 0 days, 06:30:13 is added to Gheorghe clock.
[04/15/24 01:50:09] (MANUAL-FIGHT [2/5]) Bunatatea [29578/48485] has challenged Gheorghe [23342/31954] and WON! [16 days, 17:27:03] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [3]XP, Gheorghe gets [2]XP. Gheorghe has [99] life left. Bunatatea reaches next level in [47 days, 14:35:27].
[04/15/24 01:50:23] (MANUAL-FIGHT [3/5]) Bunatatea [26339/48485] has challenged Gheorghe [8037/31954] and WON! [12 days, 09:04:21] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [3]XP, Gheorghe gets [2]XP. Gheorghe has [99] life left. Bunatatea reaches next level in [35 days, 05:30:52].
[04/15/24 01:50:35] (MANUAL-FIGHT [4/5]) Bunatatea [15236/48485] has challenged Gheorghe [9106/31954] and WON! [9 days, 03:49:57] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [5]XP, Gheorghe gets [1]XP. Gheorghe has [99] life left. Bunatatea reaches next level in [26 days, 01:40:41].
[04/15/24 01:50:41] (MANUAL-FIGHT [5/5]) Bunatatea [8050/48485] has challenged Gheorghe [18765/31954] and LOST! [3 days, 15:35:40] is added to Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [2]XP, Gheorghe gets [3]XP. Bunatatea has [99] life left. Bunatatea reaches next level in [29 days, 17:16:15].
[04/15/24 05:55:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) Bunatatea [23989/37412] has attacked a Kraken [16703/60000] and killed it! 0 days, 16:52:01 is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets 3 XP.
[04/15/24 08:33:16] (SLAY-DRAGON) Bunatatea [48785/75324] tried to slay a Silver_Dragon [20924/70000] and WON! [0 days, 04:39:55] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [5] XP. Each item gains [9] points.

[View all Character Modifiers] (2752)
