Player Stats

User: IPv6Bid
Level: 112
Next level: 9 days, 08:25:54
Life: 100
XP: 9396
Gold: 678786
Gems: 4147
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Wizard
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Sun Feb 2 01:00:29 2025
User Host: IPv6Bid!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Thu Jun 2 04:20:35 2022
Last login: Sun Jan 28 05:13:30 2024
Status: Online
Total time idled: 792 days, 04:55:49
Current position: [110,309]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 48 days, 20:59:30
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 2650
boots: 1924
charm: 4959
gloves: 1741
helm: 1338
leggings: 1351
ring: 1541
shield: 1200
tunic: 4398
weapon: 6669

Sum: 27771

Expert 1: weapon
Expert 2: charm
Expert 3: tunic

Stone 1: XP
Stone 2: Life
Stone 3: XP

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 645
Battles Lost: 349
Total Battle Time Removed: 1035 days, 14:08:28
Total Battle Time Added: 518 days, 07:11:10
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: 0 days, 15:57:36
for quest: 3 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 1 day, 20:28:27

Total: 5 days, 12:26:03
Above Is Excluding Battles

Character Modifiers

[05/30/23 02:23:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2046/2842] has attacked a Roach [74/500] and killed it! 2 days, 00:18:33 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[05/30/23 05:17:55] (RANDOMFIGHT) Eowyn [69567/196712] has come upon IPv6Bid [2107/2643] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 02:14:49] is removed from Eowyn clock. Eowyn gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. IPv6Bid has [89] life left.
[05/30/23 13:58:40] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [719/1904] has challenged Beelzebub [327/429] in combat and WON! [6 days, 01:00:26] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Beelzebub gets [1]XP. Beelzebub has [98] LIFE left.
[05/30/23 16:22:13] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1335/2842] has attacked a Bat [1099/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 13:56:41 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[05/31/23 03:58:40] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1937/2728] has challenged Gollum [116875/192604] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 20:12:53] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Gollum gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[05/31/23 04:36:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [625/2785] has attacked a Bat [630/2000] and LOST! [1 day, 16:02:47] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[06/01/23 13:29:11] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2399/2841] has attacked a Bat [541/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 16:24:17 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/02/23 06:53:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2430/5758] has attacked a Wolf [631/3000] and killed it! 1 day, 13:30:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/03/23 06:46:31] (RANDOMFIGHT) Uranus [325/738] has come upon IPv6Bid [905/2735] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 08:24:22] is added to Uranus clock. Uranus gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Uranus has [96] life left.
[06/03/23 07:51:44] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3960/4511] has attacked a Bat [171/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 10:23:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/04/23 04:00:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2042/2879] has attacked a Bat [694/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 07:39:47 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/04/23 04:04:15] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [2236/6258] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1927/5000] and WON! [0 days, 15:02:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/04/23 08:07:25] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2489/2899] has attacked a Bat [1010/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 05:07:20 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/04/23 11:58:41] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Poseidon [822/995] has challenged IPv6Bid [1957/2754] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 01:06:30] is added to Poseidon clock. Poseidon gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Poseidon has [87] LIFE left.
[06/04/23 12:13:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2497/2899] has attacked a Bat [850/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 03:27:40 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/05/23 04:27:35] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1335/2899] has attacked a Bat [202/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 01:16:35 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/05/23 04:34:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6281/6390] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3704/5000] and WON! [0 days, 12:00:12] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/05/23 04:44:27] (GODSEND) A magician cast a spell of Rigidity on IPv6Bid tunic! IPv6Bid's tunic gains [10%] effectiveness.
[06/06/23 00:58:40] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2447/2961] has challenged R2-D2 [460/523] in combat and WON! [2 days, 10:12:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and R2-D2 gets [2]XP. R2-D2 has [97] LIFE left.
[06/06/23 08:02:27] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2501/6044] has attacked a Goblin [759/4000] and killed it! 0 days, 19:07:23 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/06/23 08:03:52] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6858/7792] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1404/5000] and WON! [0 days, 09:04:58] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/07/23 16:06:58] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [0/5498] has attacked a Wolf [730/3000] and LOST! [0 days, 16:06:32] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[06/07/23 16:10:33] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [4428/5435] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1028/5000] and WON! [0 days, 08:27:20] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/07/23 16:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2526/5455] has challenged Hestia [303/586] in combat and WON! [2 days, 01:20:46] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Hestia gets [2]XP. Hestia has [92] LIFE left.
[06/08/23 08:09:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4756/5511] has attacked a Goblin [621/4000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:13:21 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/08/23 08:24:22] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [2831/5554] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1345/5000] and WON! [0 days, 06:16:27] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/09/23 09:37:20] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 21:56:55] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Gheorghe gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/10/23 11:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4845/5283] has challenged Sith [512143/1179542] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 15:22:19] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Sith gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [93] LIFE left.
[06/10/23 23:51:40] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Bunatatea [16494/23798] has challenged IPv6Bid [3826/5508] in combat and WON! [11 days, 21:03:17] is removed from Bunatatea clock. Bunatatea gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[06/11/23 04:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2266/5621] has challenged Dionysus [15/657] in combat and WON! [1 day, 05:01:59] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Dionysus gets [2]XP. Dionysus has [96] LIFE left.
[06/11/23 08:19:00] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2571/11242] has attacked a Shadow [1610/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 08:03:32 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/11/23 08:42:51] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6158/11786] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3589/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:49:05] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/11/23 14:38:24] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 04:33:11] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/12/23 16:32:32] (TEAM-BATTLE) Bunatatea, IPv6Bid, and TWO [16219/30231] have team battled Palpatine, Bastet, and Sokar [83827/204343] and LOST! [0 days, 23:24:57] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[4] LIFE to the Defeated!
[06/13/23 01:12:39] NimbleX has won the Champions League! As a reward, [15 days, 16:35:21] is removed from TTL. NimbleX gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/13/23 03:21:15] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [795/5702] has attacked a Bat [580/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:29:03 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/13/23 03:38:11] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7439/12012] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [282/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:04:22] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/13/23 04:27:12] (MANUAL-FIGHT [1/5]) IPv6Bid [5654/7212] has challenged Ionut [74029/103979] and LOST! [0 days, 17:51:15] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP, Ionut gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] life left. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [5 days, 16:52:55].
[06/13/23 21:31:19] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 13:10:46] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Valverde gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/14/23 04:07:32] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1969/5777] has attacked a Bat [12/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:00:05 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/14/23 04:46:47] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [449/12054] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2903/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 01:10:46] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [3 days, 23:33:16] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[06/14/23 14:59:47] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1096/5749] has attacked a Bat [81/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:16:00 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/14/23 15:13:36] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10276/12104] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2116/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:01:15] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/14/23 22:30:40] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid boots were shined! IPv6Bid's boots gains [10%] effectiveness.
[06/14/23 22:52:13] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/15/23 03:56:27] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5787/5881] has attacked a Roach [236/500] and killed it! 0 days, 03:18:19 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/15/23 04:14:20] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [9702/12262] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2788/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:33:45] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/15/23 08:33:04] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Frodo [26184/113880] has challenged IPv6Bid [2723/5901] in combat and WON! [11 days, 21:03:17] is removed from Frodo clock. Frodo gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[06/15/23 14:18:51] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3594/5901] has attacked a Bat [9/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:32:35 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/15/23 14:22:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6654/12302] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [564/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:12:23] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/16/23 04:19:50] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3056/5966] has attacked a Bat [1498/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:39:17 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/16/23 04:28:25] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [748/12432] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2126/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:23:28] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [1 day, 07:41:32] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[06/17/23 08:58:41] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hathor [2511/67542] has challenged IPv6Bid [5266/5290] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:20:39] is added to Hathor clock. Hathor gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hathor has [85] LIFE left.
[06/17/23 12:09:56] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3154/5944] has challenged Nasri [1400/2465] in combat and WON! [7 days, 23:27:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Nasri gets [2]XP. Nasri has [99] LIFE left.
[06/18/23 09:21:05] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/18/23 09:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IonutNM [3509/7551] has challenged IPv6Bid [870/5216] in combat and WON! [7 days, 05:30:45] is removed from IonutNM clock. IonutNM gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [84] LIFE left.
[06/18/23 12:05:00] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1224/5996] has attacked a Bat [435/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 05:02:58 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/18/23 12:40:52] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8242/12492] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1876/5000] and WON! [1 day, 01:11:01] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/18/23 16:50:53] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [3099/6067] has come upon Haaland [5029/6796] and been defeated in combat! [4 days, 01:47:58] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Haaland gets [4] XP. IPv6Bid has [99] life left.
[06/19/23 07:50:40] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1067/6067] has attacked a Bat [867/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 05:02:23 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/19/23 07:58:40] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [643/6067] has challenged Pantera [1115040/1230893] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 19:36:05] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Pantera gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[06/19/23 15:31:38] Palpatine, Poseidon, IPv6Bid, Gheorghe, Seymour, and Leia - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[06/20/23 14:51:29] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5357/6067] has attacked a Bat [663/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 20:16:17 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/21/23 08:21:40] Saruman has won the Death Match! As a reward, 6 days, 09:45:00 is removed from TTL Saruman gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/21/23 09:14:09] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4628/6106] has attacked a Bat [416/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 17:08:20 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/21/23 09:33:16] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3829/12712] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2523/5000] and WON! [0 days, 19:31:58] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/21/23 11:58:41] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1846/5922] has challenged iEGGdrop [265/2905] in combat and WON! [4 days, 17:54:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and iEGGdrop gets [2]XP. iEGGdrop has [96] LIFE left.
[06/21/23 12:37:04] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [6 days, 17:12:18] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Gerard gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/21/23 13:43:25] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2382/6169] has attacked a Bat [49/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 00:07:31 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/21/23 17:51:10] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid upgraded his mIRC client !!! This moves them [1 day, 03:15:19] closer towards level [65].
[06/22/23 02:49:02] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [3762/5958] has come upon Thor [10977/122980] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 06:20:40] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Thor gets [2] XP. IPv6Bid has [94] life left.
[06/22/23 03:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3947/5834] has challenged Horus [218/670] in combat and WON! [3 days, 03:23:42] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Horus gets [2]XP. Horus has [96] LIFE left.
[06/22/23 05:58:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5768/5834] has challenged Leclerc [2340/6055] in combat and WON! [2 days, 18:57:00] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Leclerc gets [1]XP. Leclerc has [88] LIFE left.
[06/22/23 07:51:34] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5826/6207] has attacked a Bat [359/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 16:14:58 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/22/23 08:07:12] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3566/12914] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [536/5000] and WON! [0 days, 07:42:43] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/22/23 15:27:36] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [718789/738585] has challenged IPv6Bid [865/6103] in combat and WON! [2 days, 14:28:34] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[06/23/23 07:30:18] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4398/6228] has attacked a Bat [621/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:52:13 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/23/23 07:33:35] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [11705/12956] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2616/5000] and WON! [0 days, 06:35:13] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/23/23 14:45:19] Elon has won the Death Match! As a reward, 3 days, 21:19:04 is removed from TTL Elon gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/24/23 03:10:33] Azerbaijan has won the Champions League! As a reward, [21 days, 22:00:28] is removed from TTL. Azerbaijan gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/24/23 03:16:46] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 05:59:09 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Azerbaijan gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/24/23 04:43:38] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4447/6248] has attacked a Bat [598/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:41:13 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/25/23 04:34:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4343/6294] has attacked a Bat [396/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:09:38 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/25/23 04:44:47] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [11363/13088] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1215/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:26:48] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/25/23 12:04:27] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/25/23 13:27:26] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4009/6366] has attacked a Bat [330/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:20:09 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/25/23 13:39:15] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [2612/13232] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [453/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:03:16] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/26/23 04:24:25] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2958/12774] has attacked a Bat [1360/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 03:16:08 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[06/26/23 04:48:12] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10983/13274] tried to slay a Yellow_Dragon [3519/7500] and WON! [0 days, 01:32:34] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [3] points.
[06/26/23 13:14:17] Imhotep has won the Power War! As a reward, [8 days, 10:22:31] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[06/26/23 13:38:02] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1235/6472] has attacked a Bat [547/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:34:01 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/26/23 13:46:02] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8610/13444] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [95/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:12:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/27/23 02:04:03] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2694/6363] has attacked a Wolf [302/3000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:45:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/27/23 02:14:37] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [9913/12961] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2740/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:49:47] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/27/23 08:28:46] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[06/27/23 13:14:36] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got knifed in a dark alley !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 01:04:05] from level [65] .
[06/27/23 13:49:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [64/6513] has attacked a Bat [983/2000] and LOST! [0 days, 01:05:33] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[06/27/23 14:06:25] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3629/13516] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [134/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:33:59] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/27/23 21:38:18] Meladze has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 01:59:19] is removed from TTL. Meladze gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/28/23 02:13:57] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6044/6529] has attacked a Bat [1039/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:29:54 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/28/23 11:42:04] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6383/6529] has challenged tcl [90/746] in combat and WON! [7 days, 04:10:03] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and tcl gets [2]XP. tcl has [97] LIFE left.
[06/28/23 16:19:52] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3648/6202] has attacked a Bat [300/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 09:22:42 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[06/29/23 04:08:28] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [642/6529] has come upon Reik [4996/6285] and been defeated in combat! [4 days, 01:03:15] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Reik gets [2] XP. IPv6Bid has [97] life left.
[06/29/23 04:36:57] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1449/5876] has attacked a Bat [756/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 10:44:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/29/23 04:56:54] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [9978/11026] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [979/5000] and WON! [1 day, 03:53:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/30/23 03:58:29] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5771/6600] has attacked a Wolf [2246/3000] and killed it! 2 days, 05:14:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[06/30/23 04:38:43] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7921/13167] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3255/5000] and WON! [1 day, 01:16:33] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[06/30/23 19:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [162/5826] has challenged nbwzrd [374/563] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 05:39:21] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and nbwzrd gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [85] LIFE left.
[07/01/23 05:48:14] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [185/6621] has attacked a Wolf [1342/3000] and LOST! [2 days, 03:54:46] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [93] LIFE left.
[07/01/23 09:01:33] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1501/6658] has challenged Achilles [297/510] in combat and WON! [8 days, 23:44:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Achilles gets [1]XP. Achilles has [97] LIFE left.
[07/02/23 12:25:56] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6366/6658] has attacked a Roach [94/500] and killed it! 2 days, 07:15:39 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[07/02/23 12:47:08] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8357/13277] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [423/5000] and WON! [1 day, 02:14:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[07/02/23 16:03:49] YO5KUC has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 06:37:17 is removed from TTL YO5KUC gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/02/23 20:14:17] Arwen has won the Death Match! As a reward, 7 days, 20:17:50 is removed from TTL Arwen gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/02/23 20:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Cerberus [519/817] has challenged IPv6Bid [253/4942] in combat and WON! [0 days, 02:08:41] is removed from Cerberus clock. Cerberus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [70] LIFE left.
[07/03/23 12:35:30] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid amulet was blessed by a passing cleric! IPv6Bid's amulet gains [10%] effectiveness.
[07/03/23 13:29:47] DarthMaul, Fernandez, IPv6Bid, ucsc, Rashford, and Vasile have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[07/03/23 13:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Elrond [24/404] has challenged IPv6Bid [1679/6693] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 15:01:55] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Elrond has [96] LIFE left.
[07/03/23 15:11:35] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3653/6693] has attacked a Wolf [636/3000] and killed it! 1 day, 13:21:53 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[07/03/23 15:57:57] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7238/13886] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2162/5000] and WON! [0 days, 17:43:44] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[07/03/23 16:23:47] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was caught in a terrible snowstorm !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 21:05:59] from level [67] .
[07/03/23 21:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4573/5638] has challenged Jedi [223153/293131] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 09:40:12] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Jedi gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [83] LIFE left.
[07/04/23 08:43:33] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6517/6713] has attacked a Wolf [1300/3000] and killed it! 1 day, 18:28:19 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[07/08/23 15:25:03] (EVILNESS) YO5KUC stole [77] gems from IPv6Bid while they were offline
[07/12/23 18:42:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Galadriel [268/345] has challenged IPv6Bid [2469/6377] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:47:35] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Galadriel has [99] LIFE left.
[07/13/23 14:59:22] Odin has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 00:00:00 is removed from TTL Odin gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/13/23 20:06:54] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid stopped using dial-up !!! This moves them [1 day, 13:45:13] closer towards level [67].
[07/14/23 13:43:47] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1540/6713] has attacked a Bat [720/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 10:59:06 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[07/14/23 21:14:28] (RANDOMFIGHT) SKYDADDY [670911/1246623] has come upon IPv6Bid [1960/5504] and taken them in combat! [5 days, 13:31:51] is removed from SKYDADDY clock. SKYDADDY gets [4] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. IPv6Bid has [81] life left.
[07/15/23 04:33:43] Imhotep has won the Death Match! As a reward, 6 days, 13:27:27 is removed from TTL Imhotep gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/15/23 14:45:24] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/15/23 17:42:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1904/5411] has challenged Demeter [55353/143049] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 10:46:34] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Demeter gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [79] LIFE left.
[07/16/23 09:47:07] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 7 days, 14:53:39 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and ucsc gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/17/23 23:39:30] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a poisonous fruit !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 04:57:37] from level [67] .
[07/17/23 23:46:25] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [1 day, 01:34:33] closer towards level [67].
[07/18/23 00:57:32] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [296/6087] has come upon Chronos [647/830] and been defeated in combat! [1 day, 19:37:40] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Chronos gets [3] XP. IPv6Bid has [87] life left.
[07/18/23 04:42:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [252/6358] has challenged Thranduil [717/804] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 12:43:27] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Thranduil gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [93] LIFE left.
[07/18/23 05:23:25] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid met up with a mob hitman for not paying his bills !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 02:27:39] from level [67] .
[07/18/23 07:21:57] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [10 days, 09:45:23] toward level [67].
[07/18/23 11:53:01] Oceanus has won the Death Match! As a reward, 6 days, 18:56:14 is removed from TTL Oceanus gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/18/23 16:02:18] Aragorn has won the Power War! As a reward, [8 days, 00:49:54] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[07/18/23 18:14:09] Meladze has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 20:04:47] is removed from TTL. Meladze gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[07/20/23 11:34:59] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[07/21/23 17:15:44] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[07/23/23 00:25:42] Hades has won the Death Match! As a reward, 22 days, 17:02:42 is removed from TTL Hades gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/23/23 04:17:29] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5008/6764] has attacked a Roach [207/500] and killed it! 0 days, 12:07:26 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[07/23/23 07:16:00] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sith [266347/1616463] has challenged IPv6Bid [6023/6493] in combat and WON! [28 days, 12:13:07] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [93] LIFE left.
[07/24/23 06:42:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6419/6764] has challenged jah [274/598] in combat and WON! [1 day, 08:37:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and jah gets [2]XP. jah has [99] LIFE left.
[07/24/23 07:16:42] Odin has won the Power War! As a reward, [0 days, 05:44:08] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[07/24/23 08:13:42] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/24/23 17:44:49] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [3 days, 20:57:24] toward level [67].
[07/25/23 15:46:19] (TEAM-BATTLE) Yoda, Athena, and IPv6Bid [6661/10601] have team battled Amon, Uranus, and Demeter [83231/143352] and LOST! [0 days, 09:03:27] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[3] LIFE to the Defeated!
[07/26/23 08:42:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Haldir [605/642] has challenged IPv6Bid [399/5725] in combat and WON! [2 days, 21:25:43] is removed from Haldir clock. Haldir gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [80] LIFE left.
[07/26/23 16:57:08] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 07:17:29] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and iANiS gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[07/26/23 20:53:35] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid leggings were dry cleaned...finally! IPv6Bid's leggings gains [10%] effectiveness.
[07/27/23 05:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Achilles [355/534] has challenged IPv6Bid [4004/5875] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 04:06:44] is added to Achilles clock. Achilles gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Achilles has [94] LIFE left.
[07/27/23 09:42:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3658/6832] has challenged Imhotep [42005/105578] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:39:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Imhotep gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[07/27/23 15:29:30] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4627/6832] has challenged ZeuS [20530/212127] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 10:24:27] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and ZeuS gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[07/27/23 17:45:03] (RANDOM-FIGHT) YO5KUC [3228/13434] has challenged IPv6Bid [3726/6490] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 05:25:58] is added to YO5KUC clock. YO5KUC gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. YO5KUC has [98] LIFE left.
[08/01/23 22:38:02] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[08/02/23 16:17:01] (TEAM-BATTLE) Uranus, Bellingham, and IPv6Bid [8288/11448] have team battled Thorin, Sauron, and Eowyn [87551/307453] and LOST! [2 days, 03:00:32] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[5] LIFE to the Defeated!
[08/02/23 20:42:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2712/6883] has challenged Saruman [13343/35723] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 03:59:10] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Saruman gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[08/03/23 00:55:27] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[08/03/23 05:42:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hyperion [461/980] has challenged IPv6Bid [3995/6883] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 14:48:50] is added to Hyperion clock. Hyperion gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hyperion has [86] LIFE left.
[08/03/23 20:27:16] Oceanus has won the Death Match! As a reward, 8 days, 07:39:57 is removed from TTL Oceanus gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[08/04/23 12:20:43] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [31 days, 02:11:01] from level [68].
[08/05/23 04:59:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4984/6883] has attacked a Bat [262/2000] and killed it! 5 days, 01:17:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/05/23 07:39:27] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10236/13710] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1113/5000] and WON! [2 days, 09:32:46] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/05/23 08:22:00] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2836/6946] has challenged Hendricks [197/3611] in combat and WON! [9 days, 21:22:56] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hendricks gets [2]XP. Hendricks has [77] LIFE left.
[08/05/23 18:17:37] (TEAM-BATTLE) Medusa, DRAGON, and IPv6Bid [6231/7798] have team battled Yoda, Horus, and Chewbacca [63097/331227] and LOST! [2 days, 00:36:06] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[5] LIFE to the Defeated!
[08/05/23 20:01:47] Leia, Musiala, Romulus, IPv6Bid, Hecate, and Chewbacca have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[08/06/23 10:45:14] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [797/6994] has attacked a Bat [1287/2000] and LOST! [1 day, 20:06:39] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[08/06/23 11:21:20] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [28/14482] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3528/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 11:34:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [39 days, 01:17:53] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[08/07/23 02:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Haaland [1415/7205] has challenged IPv6Bid [3460/6604] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 04:59:56] is added to Haaland clock. Haaland gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Haaland has [98] LIFE left.
[08/07/23 03:15:40] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1212/6880] has attacked a Shadow [1810/5000] and LOST! [1 day, 22:04:10] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[08/07/23 03:22:24] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [198/14236] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [321/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 12:05:30] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [40 days, 19:26:29] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[08/07/23 04:46:55] Meladze has won the Champions League! As a reward, [4 days, 11:07:46] is removed from TTL. Meladze gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/07/23 04:48:03] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [17 days, 12:32:46] toward level [69].
[08/07/23 14:48:43] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6388/6830] has attacked a Bat [84/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 03:22:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/07/23 15:33:37] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1927/6830] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1552/5000] and WON! [0 days, 12:59:00] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/07/23 15:53:24] bite has won the Champions League! As a reward, [8 days, 19:59:45] is removed from TTL. bite gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/07/23 17:19:34] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [7 days, 08:36:19] toward level [69].
[08/08/23 04:32:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3791/6851] has attacked a Bat [501/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 15:50:18 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[08/08/23 04:53:43] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [2790/14202] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [210/5000] and WON! [0 days, 07:30:51] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/08/23 09:59:14] ZeuS has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 00:39:05] is removed from TTL. ZeuS gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/08/23 13:07:05] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[08/08/23 23:28:53] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [799686/1376003] has challenged IPv6Bid [5362/5840] in combat and WON! [0 days, 03:22:14] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [82] LIFE left.
[08/09/23 03:35:53] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3467/6871] has attacked a Roach [334/500] and killed it! 0 days, 13:31:04 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[08/09/23 04:14:46] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [12053/14242] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3519/5000] and WON! [0 days, 06:24:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/09/23 05:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) nbwzrd [39/563] has challenged IPv6Bid [1496/6892] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 19:54:43] is added to nbwzrd clock. nbwzrd gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. nbwzrd has [96] LIFE left.
[08/09/23 12:08:46] (TEAM-BATTLE) IPv6Bid, Ionut, and Loki [62749/117782] have team battled Achilles, Hephaistos, and Athena [2198/5078] and WON! [0 days, 21:07:17] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -1 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[08/09/23 13:10:40] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [2 days, 09:07:50] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Auggie gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[08/09/23 20:14:27] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[08/09/23 20:14:27] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [2 days, 06:26:20] is removed from TTL!
[08/10/23 02:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ucsc [1283/5456] has challenged IPv6Bid [4374/6435] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 03:27:00] is added to ucsc clock. ucsc gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. ucsc has [82] LIFE left.
[08/10/23 16:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [888/6995] has challenged freak [87036/1422636] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 21:08:52] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and freak gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[08/10/23 23:50:13] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[08/11/23 03:40:03] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4340/7047] has attacked a Bat [782/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:32:27 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[08/11/23 03:58:10] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7216/14594] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [563/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:08:58] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/11/23 16:50:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1639/7119] has attacked a Bat [1212/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 03:32:51 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/11/23 17:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [560/7119] has challenged Hades [143066/344232] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 09:24:52] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Hades gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[08/12/23 00:20:41] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 17:19:49 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Athena gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[08/12/23 08:03:06] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[08/13/23 10:20:53] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[08/13/23 21:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uriel [51/436] has challenged IPv6Bid [4138/7222] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 10:42:34] is added to Uriel clock. Uriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Uriel has [97] LIFE left.
[08/13/23 23:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1351/7222] has challenged Smaug [213/468] in combat and WON! [0 days, 00:47:59] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Smaug gets [1]XP. Smaug has [96] LIFE left.
[08/14/23 03:30:57] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5225/7222] has attacked a Bat [93/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:00:03 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[08/14/23 03:32:08] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3617/7222] has challenged Artemis [887/976] in combat and WON! [10 days, 01:27:44] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Artemis gets [2]XP. Artemis has [93] LIFE left.
[08/14/23 06:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2855/7222] has challenged Legolas [201923/205182] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 20:42:03] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Legolas gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[08/14/23 13:56:46] (TEAM-BATTLE) Hecate, Athena, and Azog [1398/1956] have team battled IPv6Bid, Uriel, and Bellingham [498/11454] and WON! [0 days, 01:45:14] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -2 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[08/14/23 23:30:22] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [3661/6427] has come upon Bastet [189597/312442] and been defeated in combat! [7 days, 17:33:16] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Bastet gets [4] XP. IPv6Bid has [85] life left.
[08/15/23 00:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [223/6138] has challenged Reik [5561/6471] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 07:02:40] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Reik gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [83] LIFE left.
[08/15/23 03:29:25] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 21 days, 09:58:52 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and bite gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[08/15/23 05:41:18] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [17 days, 03:03:24] toward level [70].
[08/15/23 06:26:54] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3596/7222] has attacked a Bat [1358/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 12:30:01 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[08/15/23 09:32:31] (TEAM-BATTLE) Smaug, Mace'Windu, and Hades [123593/347077] have team battled Imhotep, IPv6Bid, and Elrond [8668/113669] and WON! [0 days, 06:26:14] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -1 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[08/16/23 05:44:10] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[08/16/23 05:44:10] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [10 days, 03:35:47] is removed from TTL!
[08/17/23 17:21:23] (TEAM-BATTLE) Artemis, Uranus, and Elrond [644/2310] have team battled IPv6Bid, Bastet, and Valverde [219868/320460] and LOST! [1 day, 22:30:30] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[1] LIFE to the Defeated!
[08/17/23 22:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Gerard [1799/10081] has challenged IPv6Bid [1795/6635] in combat and WON! [8 days, 13:04:15] is removed from Gerard clock. Gerard gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [87] LIFE left.
[08/18/23 03:07:02] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[08/18/23 07:07:32] IonutNM has won the Champions League! As a reward, [3 days, 02:31:01] is removed from TTL. IonutNM gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/18/23 08:04:32] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [906/7344] has attacked a Bat [841/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 16:48:38 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/18/23 08:40:20] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10183/15188] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [484/5000] and WON! [0 days, 07:58:12] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/18/23 11:55:13] (TEAM-BATTLE) Cerberus, Aragorn, and ZeuS [250848/361611] have team battled Centaur, HYDRA, and IPv6Bid [1426/7969] and WON! [NA (-102609)] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -1 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[08/18/23 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2844/6232] has challenged Hathor [65351/83404] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 11:45:00] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hathor gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [80] LIFE left.
[08/18/23 20:30:19] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [8 days, 10:07:30] toward level [70].
[08/18/23 21:10:29] (RANDOMFIGHT) Prometheus [301/1199] has come upon IPv6Bid [2605/5936] and been defeated in combat! [4 days, 02:53:45] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Prometheus has [96] life left.
[08/20/23 12:54:28] Verstappen has won the Death Match! As a reward, 7 days, 02:09:17 is removed from TTL Verstappen gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[08/20/23 14:02:27] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[08/20/23 14:02:27] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [1 day, 03:32:21] is removed from TTL!
[08/21/23 01:57:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1591/7420] has attacked a Bat [445/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:09:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[08/21/23 02:25:13] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [2343/13868] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3132/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:16:08] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [0 days, 21:46:56] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[08/21/23 07:38:55] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid burned a hole through their leggings while ironing! IPv6Bid's leggings loses [10%] effectiveness.
[08/22/23 00:12:09] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5831/7355] has challenged Rashford [2519/3698] in combat and WON! [10 days, 19:59:09] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Rashford gets [1]XP. Rashford has [99] LIFE left.
[08/22/23 03:47:08] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5959/7355] has attacked a Shadow [2780/5000] and killed it! 2 days, 11:02:23 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[08/22/23 04:15:52] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [8 days, 21:02:35] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Athena gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/22/23 11:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3296/6913] has challenged Gheorghe [511/10177] in combat and WON! [7 days, 12:17:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Gheorghe gets [2]XP. Gheorghe has [66] LIFE left.
[08/22/23 19:53:39] (RANDOM-FIGHT) iANiS [11106/12853] has challenged IPv6Bid [5852/5884] in combat and WON! [12 days, 10:34:56] is removed from iANiS clock. iANiS gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [78] LIFE left.
[08/22/23 20:56:47] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[08/23/23 03:40:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5742/7355] has attacked a Bat [1178/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 11:13:35 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[08/23/23 03:47:03] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [15096/15210] tried to slay a Yellow_Dragon [3450/7500] and WON! [0 days, 16:43:47] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [3] points.
[08/23/23 18:01:51] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5023/7386] has challenged Thorin [296/680] in combat and WON! [9 days, 04:15:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Thorin gets [2]XP. Thorin has [95] LIFE left.
[08/24/23 03:52:31] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [706/7386] has attacked a Bat [1369/2000] and LOST! [2 days, 13:54:48] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [91] LIFE left.
[08/24/23 04:06:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6493/7298] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1431/5000] and WON! [1 day, 08:29:54] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/24/23 04:34:55] Elon has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 05:38:54 is removed from TTL Elon gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[08/24/23 07:33:39] Hathor has won the Champions League! As a reward, [9 days, 16:20:22] is removed from TTL. Hathor gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/24/23 09:33:40] Leia, IonutNM, Azerbaijan, HellSpawn, IPv6Bid, and Athena have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[08/24/23 13:44:06] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[08/24/23 21:09:04] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Leclerc [6002/7019] has challenged IPv6Bid [2572/5860] in combat and WON! [10 days, 17:46:56] is removed from Leclerc clock. Leclerc gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [75] LIFE left.
[08/25/23 02:56:48] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1997/7513] has attacked a Bat [768/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 22:27:20 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/25/23 03:35:05] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8362/15622] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2998/5000] and WON! [0 days, 22:03:01] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/25/23 07:32:05] Gerard has won the Champions League! As a reward, [9 days, 14:54:49] is removed from TTL. Gerard gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/25/23 11:08:39] NimbleX has won the Champions League! As a reward, [7 days, 03:10:52] is removed from TTL. NimbleX gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[08/25/23 16:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2900/7440] has challenged Saka [674/1724] in combat and WON! [6 days, 00:04:59] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Saka gets [1]XP. Saka has [99] LIFE left.
[08/25/23 22:57:52] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [13 days, 01:25:39] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Rashford gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[08/26/23 00:08:24] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[08/26/23 02:36:44] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly !!! This moves them [1 day, 06:21:15] closer towards level [72].
[08/26/23 08:29:50] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found some weed and smoked it !!! This moves them [1 day, 00:01:24] closer towards level [72].
[08/27/23 11:20:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Palpatine [75/799] has challenged IPv6Bid [4904/6309] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 22:02:12] is added to Palpatine clock. Palpatine gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Palpatine has [98] LIFE left.
[08/28/23 09:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sauron [1517/2257] has challenged IPv6Bid [3659/5540] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 15:31:07] is added to Sauron clock. Sauron gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Sauron has [92] LIFE left.
[08/28/23 09:29:04] (RANDOM-FIGHT) SKYDADDY [860725/2727622] has challenged IPv6Bid [4676/5540] in combat and WON! [27 days, 09:37:20] is removed from SKYDADDY clock. SKYDADDY gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [70] LIFE left.
[08/28/23 13:47:10] IPv6Bid has won the Town Battle!
[08/28/23 13:47:10] IPv6Bid received [2] days of experience [96] XP
[08/29/23 12:09:24] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1801/7695] has attacked a Bat [985/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 12:10:31 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[08/29/23 12:15:46] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [167/15890] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1251/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 02:53:25] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [9 days, 18:06:59] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[08/29/23 20:31:56] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[08/30/23 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3862/6893] has challenged BestHost [1422/2673] in combat and WON! [1 day, 12:36:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and BestHost gets [2]XP. BestHost has [77] LIFE left.
[08/30/23 08:33:55] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6372/7659] has attacked a Bat [1284/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 08:51:36 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[08/30/23 11:19:04] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5048/14299] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3685/5000] and WON! [0 days, 04:08:22] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[08/30/23 14:17:54] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [778/6528] has attacked a Bat [108/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:55:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[08/30/23 16:48:45] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [25626/2079290] has challenged IPv6Bid [4046/5816] in combat and WON! [0 days, 19:18:20] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [73] LIFE left.
[08/30/23 18:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Musiala [2702/3522] has challenged IPv6Bid [3129/5661] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 05:58:15] is added to Musiala clock. Musiala gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Musiala has [76] LIFE left.
[08/31/23 03:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2896/4342] has challenged Seymour [339/1824] in combat and WON! [0 days, 23:25:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Seymour gets [2]XP. Seymour has [51] LIFE left.
[08/31/23 11:51:08] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was caught in a terrible snowstorm !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 06:20:00] from level [72] .
[08/31/23 13:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [51/122] has challenged IPv6Bid [170/2248] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 11:30:40] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hypnos has [21] LIFE left.
[08/31/23 15:05:25] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [1020531/2084546] has challenged IPv6Bid [811/2093] in combat and WON! [0 days, 00:32:41] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [25] LIFE left.
[09/01/23 01:33:50] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[09/01/23 08:53:22] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6237/7755] has attacked a Bat [1242/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:32:33 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/01/23 12:16:38] eTools has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 21:29:38 is removed from TTL eTools gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/02/23 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3248/5816] has challenged Haaland [3504/6989] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 07:03:42] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Haaland gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [72] LIFE left.
[09/02/23 09:09:07] Ares has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 04:33:44 is removed from TTL Ares gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/02/23 20:50:09] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/02/23 20:50:09] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 21:14:53] is removed from TTL!
[09/02/23 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1382/7444] has challenged Sauron [2034/2357] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 03:14:27] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Sauron gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[09/03/23 02:32:52] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid learned Perl !!! This moves them [0 days, 03:02:01] closer towards level [72].
[09/03/23 23:43:41] TWO has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 06:48:44] is removed from TTL. TWO gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[09/04/23 01:34:02] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid reinforced their shield with dragon scales! IPv6Bid's shield gains [10%] effectiveness.
[09/04/23 05:25:51] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3149/7797] has attacked a Bat [211/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:11:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/04/23 06:12:57] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6081/15576] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2860/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:04:13] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/04/23 08:57:45] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3800/8013] has challenged Hestia [156/649] in combat and WON! [9 days, 07:51:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Hestia gets [1]XP. Hestia has [97] LIFE left.
[09/04/23 16:07:50] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 05:03:37] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[09/04/23 18:39:25] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Pantera [2343897/2648958] has challenged IPv6Bid [3014/6089] in combat and WON! [35 days, 20:27:57] is removed from Pantera clock. Pantera gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [73] LIFE left.
[09/04/23 19:08:54] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [5051/5849] has come upon SKYDADDY [2246846/2929679] and been defeated in combat! [12 days, 13:59:54] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and SKYDADDY gets [1] XP. IPv6Bid has [70] life left.
[09/05/23 03:56:50] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 17 days, 10:54:43 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Meladze gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/05/23 05:12:34] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [550/4567] has attacked a Bat [1135/2000] and LOST! [2 days, 08:34:03] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [52] LIFE left.
[09/06/23 05:19:36] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4594/7972] has attacked a Bat [942/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 10:11:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/06/23 05:34:41] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1772/16444] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1596/5000] and WON! [1 day, 03:38:02] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/06/23 16:01:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6955/7192] has attacked a Roach [136/500] and killed it! 2 days, 05:21:49 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/06/23 16:04:57] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5151/13395] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [8720/15000] and LOST! [0 days, 12:40:23] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [42 days, 18:31:52] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item loses [4] points. IPv6Bid has [85] LIFE left.
[09/06/23 16:45:15] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[09/06/23 19:26:12] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [5293/7986] has come upon Arwen [532/38193] and taken them in combat! [8 days, 12:38:08] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP and Arwen gets [2] XP. Arwen has [98] life left.
[09/07/23 06:23:38] Gerard has won the Power War! As a reward, [27 days, 06:27:32] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[09/07/23 14:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DarthMaul [547/825] has challenged IPv6Bid [7165/7986] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 04:44:42] is added to DarthMaul clock. DarthMaul gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. DarthMaul has [97] LIFE left.
[09/08/23 05:44:31] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3175/6308] has attacked a Roach [237/500] and killed it! 1 day, 15:12:42 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/08/23 05:47:50] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1626/6308] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1644/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 09:18:43] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [31 days, 10:16:52] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [77] LIFE left.
[09/08/23 06:35:09] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [7 days, 05:18:12] toward level [73].
[09/08/23 07:06:37] NimbleX has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 00:54:31 is removed from TTL NimbleX gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/08/23 12:38:54] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[09/08/23 15:36:57] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [9 days, 23:53:13] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Hathor gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[09/08/23 15:42:24] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [741/6282] has attacked a Shadow [1547/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 16:33:32] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [71] LIFE left.
[09/09/23 12:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7903/7929] has challenged Frodo [57400/140578] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 21:50:31] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Frodo gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[09/09/23 17:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7558/7691] has challenged Bellingham [2387/2473] in combat and WON! [2 days, 14:36:30] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Bellingham gets [2]XP. Bellingham has [50] LIFE left.
[09/10/23 02:48:57] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[09/10/23 14:51:43] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [4 days, 17:31:40] toward level [73].
[09/11/23 05:00:19] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/11/23 05:00:19] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [2 days, 14:27:33] is removed from TTL!
[09/11/23 08:58:08] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6408/7929] has attacked a Bat [1177/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:29:10 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/11/23 13:03:24] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 12:13:41] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[09/11/23 13:22:56] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1476/7136] has attacked a Bat [925/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:02:28 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/11/23 13:37:08] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [162/13294] tried to slay a Yellow_Dragon [903/7500] and LOST! [0 days, 00:57:24] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [3 days, 05:30:16] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [3] points. IPv6Bid has [85] LIFE left.
[09/12/23 12:36:52] (RANDOMFIGHT) Sith [1369946/2812042] has come upon IPv6Bid [1913/5819] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 22:50:25] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [4] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. IPv6Bid has [70] life left.
[09/12/23 18:11:35] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[09/13/23 08:59:20] (TEAM-BATTLE) bite, Hathor, and Ra [322900/338283] have team battled X, Uranus, and IPv6Bid [15684/21430] and WON! [0 days, 07:04:01] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -1 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[09/13/23 13:53:27] (TEAM-BATTLE) ucsc, expl, and SKYDADDY [1158244/3376649] have team battled X, IPv6Bid, and Nasri [19041/23392] and WON! [0 days, 01:36:26] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -5 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[09/14/23 00:10:01] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid has summon the Dark Lamer and got owned !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 03:02:21] from level [73] .
[09/15/23 06:42:15] (TEAM-BATTLE) Loki, Hathor, and Uriel [60940/88104] have team battled freak, IPv6Bid, and Leclerc [722994/2539198] and LOST! [0 days, 01:15:03] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[5] LIFE to the Defeated!
[09/15/23 06:42:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2753/7922] has challenged Leia [15/831] in combat and WON! [10 days, 17:35:31] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Leia gets [2]XP. Leia has [78] LIFE left.
[09/15/23 07:19:15] iANiS has won the Power War! As a reward, [10 days, 00:17:26] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[09/15/23 13:42:10] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3664/7922] has attacked a Bat [503/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 14:31:58 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/15/23 14:04:38] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1332/16344] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2084/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 14:50:48] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [50 days, 02:35:49] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[09/15/23 16:55:53] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[09/15/23 17:14:06] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 24 days, 11:43:32 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Athena gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/16/23 01:45:53] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6067/7913] has attacked a Bat [301/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 06:09:33 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/16/23 01:53:21] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [13837/16326] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [321/5000] and WON! [0 days, 14:19:21] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/16/23 07:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Imhotep [56118/107258] has challenged IPv6Bid [6998/8005] in combat and WON! [0 days, 07:22:22] is removed from Imhotep clock. Imhotep gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[09/16/23 10:47:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1645/8736] has attacked a Bat [353/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 03:29:02 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/17/23 08:09:18] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1589/8918] has attacked a Bat [924/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 01:02:29 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/17/23 12:30:42] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[09/17/23 18:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [8630/8772] has challenged Ra [215968/242233] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 17:13:52] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Ra gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[09/17/23 21:53:23] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was attacked by a rabid wolverine !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 18:10:57] from level [74] .
[09/17/23 23:30:29] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 6 days, 20:40:33 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and iANiS gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/18/23 02:26:48] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12/10879] has attacked a Shadow [1279/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 20:00:41] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[09/18/23 02:31:36] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10098/21964] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [10278/15000] and LOST! [0 days, 05:15:07] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [17 days, 17:24:58] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item loses [4] points. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[09/18/23 06:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2009/10685] has challenged SKYDADDY [1835162/3774519] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 13:42:15] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and SKYDADDY gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[09/18/23 16:27:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3959/10471] has attacked a Shadow [1750/5000] and killed it! 1 day, 02:03:33 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/19/23 04:06:52] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8212/10685] has attacked a Shadow [3010/5000] and killed it! 1 day, 00:10:25 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/19/23 04:11:43] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5446/10685] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2550/5000] and WON! [0 days, 11:28:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/19/23 09:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Russell [4299/11843] has challenged IPv6Bid [1450/10555] in combat and WON! [9 days, 20:15:54] is removed from Russell clock. Russell gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[09/20/23 02:05:44] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid sharpened his ninja blade !!! This moves them [1 day, 14:19:31] closer towards level [74].
[09/20/23 03:07:33] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [6 days, 06:43:42] toward level [74].
[09/20/23 07:34:34] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [4 days, 12:42:48] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and NimbleX gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[09/20/23 08:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Reik [4018/6447] has challenged IPv6Bid [9017/9155] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 04:08:40] is added to Reik clock. Reik gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Reik has [92] LIFE left.
[09/20/23 10:37:58] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [7993/8939] has come upon tcl [312/679] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 16:44:05] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP and tcl gets [2] XP. tcl has [99] life left.
[09/20/23 13:33:02] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/20/23 13:33:02] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [1 day, 20:56:49] is removed from TTL!
[09/20/23 15:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7408/10771] has challenged Hephaistos [537/580] in combat and WON! [0 days, 08:33:25] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Hephaistos gets [1]XP. Hephaistos has [94] LIFE left.
[09/21/23 02:39:42] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3902/10771] has attacked a Shadow [3744/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:39:48 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/21/23 02:52:10] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5790/10771] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2660/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:47:05] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/21/23 03:49:22] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10677/10859] has challenged Musiala [2102/4295] in combat and WON! [10 days, 21:51:44] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Musiala gets [1]XP. Musiala has [86] LIFE left.
[09/21/23 06:28:21] (RANDOMFIGHT) Sauron [2372/2473] has come upon IPv6Bid [829/10859] and taken them in combat! [10 days, 00:32:36] is removed from Sauron clock. Sauron gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. IPv6Bid has [98] life left.
[09/21/23 06:28:21] Sauron has dealt IPv6Bid a Critical Strike! [4 days, 18:49:37] is added to IPv6Bid clock.
[09/21/23 14:38:25] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[09/21/23 16:24:30] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid invented the wheel !!! This moves them [3 days, 10:50:41] closer towards level [75].
[09/22/23 04:49:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9674/10910] has attacked a Bat [58/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 16:17:59 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/22/23 15:15:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6228/10960] has attacked a Bat [670/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 12:33:47 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/22/23 16:13:49] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 16 days, 18:24:14 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and eTools gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/22/23 18:46:50] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/22/23 18:46:50] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 21:30:24] is removed from TTL!
[09/22/23 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6725/10740] has challenged Imhotep [25957/105265] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 06:08:07] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Imhotep gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[09/22/23 23:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [9801/10521] has challenged ucsc [2272/6230] in combat and WON! [5 days, 01:53:30] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and ucsc gets [1]XP. ucsc has [89] LIFE left.
[09/23/23 14:13:57] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2198/10960] has attacked a Bat [1010/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 03:00:10 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/23/23 21:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [337/10740] has challenged PiTBuLL [1116/6196] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 21:33:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and PiTBuLL gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[09/24/23 05:50:59] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5232/10960] has attacked a Bat [1096/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 03:09:00 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/24/23 06:52:08] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[09/24/23 14:08:54] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Motorhead [255923/4064765] has challenged IPv6Bid [7626/11022] in combat and WON! [33 days, 16:37:33] is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[09/24/23 17:58:54] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 7 days, 18:22:35 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Hendricks gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/24/23 22:15:49] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a poisonous fruit !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 21:54:51] from level [75] .
[09/25/23 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [8695/11022] has challenged Hephaistos [430/634] in combat and WON! [2 days, 07:58:11] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hephaistos gets [2]XP. Hephaistos has [97] LIFE left.
[09/25/23 12:27:21] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8922/11022] has attacked a Bat [260/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:14:26 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/25/23 13:50:04] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8924/11127] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2415/5000] and WON! [0 days, 06:15:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/26/23 10:04:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4303/11147] has attacked a Bat [1438/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 11:11:06 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[09/26/23 13:52:00] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[09/26/23 16:14:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9235/11198] has attacked a Bat [519/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 10:19:03 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/26/23 16:25:00] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7031/11198] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [533/5000] and WON! [0 days, 04:53:46] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/26/23 20:04:44] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 00:20:55 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Nasri gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/26/23 20:08:07] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HellSpawn [2479620/4065481] has challenged IPv6Bid [8184/10659] in combat and WON! [35 days, 11:49:33] is removed from HellSpawn clock. HellSpawn gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[09/27/23 13:18:52] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4968/11220] has attacked a Bat [25/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:17:08 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[09/27/23 14:45:01] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [982/11220] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [385/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:25:29] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/27/23 22:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1336/10565] has challenged Hestia [526/638] in combat and WON! [0 days, 19:02:07] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hestia gets [1]XP. Hestia has [97] LIFE left.
[09/27/23 23:38:30] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[09/28/23 06:53:35] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [6510/11240] has come upon eTools [2117/10079] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 17:48:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and eTools gets [1] XP. eTools has [97] life left.
[09/28/23 09:35:01] (TEAM-BATTLE) Frodo, Hyperion, and Valverde [17968/145906] have team battled NimbleX, IPv6Bid, and PiTBuLL [33686/38518] and LOST! [10 days, 00:02:56] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[5] LIFE to the Defeated!
[09/28/23 09:35:03] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4212/11376] has challenged Poseidon [421/1031] in combat and WON! [10 days, 12:30:06] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Poseidon gets [1]XP. Poseidon has [77] LIFE left.
[09/29/23 00:46:26] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/29/23 00:46:26] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [22 days, 16:50:48] is removed from TTL!
[09/29/23 06:31:34] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 06:06:34 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Seymour gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[09/29/23 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DarthMaul [795/826] has challenged IPv6Bid [10808/11376] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 01:07:11] is added to DarthMaul clock. DarthMaul gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. DarthMaul has [95] LIFE left.
[09/30/23 03:32:52] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [308395/2797181] has challenged IPv6Bid [205/11376] in combat and WON! [2 days, 10:27:02] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[09/30/23 11:36:51] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1221/11376] has attacked a Bat [1014/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 16:39:54 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[09/30/23 15:18:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5126/10920] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1792/5000] and WON! [0 days, 07:49:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[09/30/23 21:26:29] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[09/30/23 21:26:29] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [3 days, 14:42:20] is removed from TTL!
[10/01/23 01:00:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8818/10484] has attacked a Bat [185/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 10:26:08 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/01/23 01:15:52] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7599/10484] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3304/5000] and WON! [0 days, 04:57:01] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/01/23 08:23:45] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [683/10604] has attacked a Bat [115/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 09:17:49 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/01/23 08:37:21] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 13:44:44 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and TWO gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[10/02/23 03:33:21] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [7195/11296] has attacked a Bat [593/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:47:12 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[10/02/23 04:57:32] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1878/11370] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3253/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:23:18] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [1 day, 07:27:28] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[10/02/23 19:07:30] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[10/03/23 03:05:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [10970/11528] has attacked a Bat [112/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:27:59 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/03/23 03:18:51] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [889/11528] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2019/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:06:28] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [0 days, 08:44:39] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[10/03/23 03:50:23] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 03:51:46] toward level [76].
[10/03/23 04:54:52] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a plate of discounted, day-old sushi !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 00:11:48] from level [76] .
[10/03/23 08:23:33] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1517/11601] has challenged Russell [6338/10317] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 06:43:12] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Russell gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[10/03/23 11:10:20] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [14 days, 16:03:41] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and PiTBuLL gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/03/23 13:23:26] (TEAM-BATTLE) Hephaistos, Nirrti, and Ares [9146/110306] have team battled bite, IPv6Bid, and Motorhead [2475784/4802354] and LOST! [0 days, 04:54:01] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[1] LIFE to the Defeated!
[10/03/23 23:51:11] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[10/04/23 03:56:33] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8201/11601] has attacked a Bat [1430/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 21:19:43 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/04/23 04:14:04] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [4054/11601] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1483/5000] and WON! [1 day, 08:55:25] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/04/23 15:07:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4880/11622] has attacked a Bat [570/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 15:39:24 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/04/23 23:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Verstappen [4758/14628] has challenged IPv6Bid [1736/11684] in combat and WON! [1 day, 00:32:39] is removed from Verstappen clock. Verstappen gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[10/05/23 01:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [980/11450] has challenged Sam [615/642] in combat and WON! [8 days, 23:55:43] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Sam gets [2]XP. Sam has [88] LIFE left.
[10/05/23 04:03:43] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[10/05/23 04:03:43] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [14 days, 07:12:59] is removed from TTL!
[10/05/23 04:04:58] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/05/23 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [270/11216] has challenged HellSpawn [3763540/4552428] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 22:20:16] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and HellSpawn gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[10/06/23 00:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4332/9347] has challenged NightKing [134/461] in combat and WON! [5 days, 09:14:51] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and NightKing gets [1]XP. NightKing has [82] LIFE left.
[10/06/23 01:56:33] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3454/9347] has attacked a Bat [927/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 09:49:49 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/06/23 02:15:02] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1095/9347] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3311/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 08:01:51] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [27 days, 02:30:12] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [78] LIFE left.
[10/06/23 10:43:40] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[10/06/23 13:52:08] Russell has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 05:25:17 is removed from TTL Russell gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[10/07/23 01:05:05] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [8 days, 02:34:39] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and xucs gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/07/23 03:48:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4099/11723] has attacked a Bat [278/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 21:31:05 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/07/23 04:27:21] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7911/11723] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1299/5000] and WON! [0 days, 10:12:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/07/23 14:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7240/10864] has challenged Pantera [970253/4462362] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 12:04:35] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Pantera gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [88] LIFE left.
[10/07/23 16:52:41] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/08/23 03:13:28] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6952/11809] has attacked a Bat [247/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 01:21:56 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/08/23 03:20:47] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [518/11809] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2600/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 06:01:22] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [20 days, 07:51:05] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[10/08/23 17:33:59] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[10/09/23 04:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Ionutz [1727/9620] has challenged IPv6Bid [6311/11824] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 05:41:14] is added to Ionutz clock. Ionutz gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Ionutz has [96] LIFE left.
[10/09/23 05:31:47] Rashford has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 17:59:45] is removed from TTL. Rashford gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/09/23 08:01:10] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [2880860/3075359] has challenged IPv6Bid [8245/11824] in combat and WON! [0 days, 02:54:10] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[10/09/23 08:39:59] bite has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 02:10:25 is removed from TTL bite gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[10/09/23 13:25:51] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid met up with a mob hitman for not paying his bills !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 01:54:52] from level [77] .
[10/09/23 15:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Athena [6913/7524] has challenged IPv6Bid [6743/11232] in combat and WON! [3 days, 07:59:07] is removed from Athena clock. Athena gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[10/12/23 14:45:16] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/12/23 15:34:31] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [8567/11232] has come upon ucsc [5458/8430] and taken them in combat! [3 days, 21:34:45] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and ucsc gets [1] XP. ucsc has [91] life left.
[10/12/23 17:36:52] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [4 days, 17:46:39] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/12/23 20:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) bite [6921/9420] has challenged IPv6Bid [6803/10641] in combat and WON! [1 day, 01:24:44] is removed from bite clock. bite gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [87] LIFE left.
[10/13/23 08:50:05] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6845/11824] has attacked a Bat [260/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 19:05:02 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[10/13/23 16:27:39] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/14/23 15:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2349/8276] has challenged Legolas [182053/203162] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 22:32:24] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Legolas gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [69] LIFE left.
[10/15/23 03:24:30] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/15/23 12:46:23] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3141/11824] has attacked a Bat [553/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 17:51:36 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/15/23 12:53:16] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [11177/11824] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3004/5000] and WON! [0 days, 08:28:50] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/15/23 16:24:54] Odin has won the Power War! As a reward, [NA (-776)] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[10/15/23 20:41:52] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 3 days, 02:16:31 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IonutNM gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[10/16/23 01:59:58] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3582/10660] has attacked a Bat [96/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 12:10:04 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[10/16/23 02:04:49] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [4287/10733] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3388/5000] and WON! [0 days, 05:46:39] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/16/23 15:30:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4393/12010] has attacked a Bat [1158/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 10:35:43 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/16/23 15:37:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1249/12079] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2548/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 02:30:53] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [8 days, 11:42:21] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[10/17/23 03:23:54] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4693/12046] has attacked a Shadow [3099/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 09:35:48 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/17/23 03:37:41] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8040/12046] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [358/5000] and WON! [0 days, 04:33:09] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/17/23 07:23:12] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[10/17/23 10:18:00] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IonutNM [10071/30831] has challenged IPv6Bid [7796/12135] in combat and WON! [13 days, 03:28:10] is removed from IonutNM clock. IonutNM gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[10/17/23 10:18:00] In the fierce battle, IPv6Bid dropped their level 1445 amulet! IonutNM picks it up, tossing their old level 363 amulet to IPv6Bid.
[10/17/23 22:02:49] NimbleXv6 has won the Champions League! As a reward, [17 days, 04:07:35] is removed from TTL. NimbleXv6 gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/18/23 01:25:35] Azerbaijan has won the Champions League! As a reward, [19 days, 23:14:13] is removed from TTL. Azerbaijan gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/18/23 06:45:58] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 13:36:15] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Azrael gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/18/23 08:16:11] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[10/19/23 16:41:00] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/20/23 06:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7010/10058] has challenged Oceanus [103430/261561] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 09:10:49] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Oceanus gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [88] LIFE left.
[10/20/23 10:07:01] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [1 day, 01:25:53] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Odin gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[10/20/23 19:50:29] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[10/21/23 01:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [118/8478] has challenged Poseidon [109/195] in combat and WON! [0 days, 05:27:29] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Poseidon gets [2]XP. Poseidon has [14] LIFE left.
[10/21/23 08:05:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9174/11156] has attacked a Wolf [74/3000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:53:19 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/21/23 08:17:35] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [684/11237] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [563/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:25:01] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/22/23 00:33:50] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3104/11418] has challenged Hecate [-693/-4875] in combat and WON! [11 days, 10:06:08] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Hecate gets [2]XP. Hecate has [92] LIFE left.
[10/22/23 04:52:59] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9844/11418] has attacked a Wolf [1016/3000] and killed it! 2 days, 18:41:50 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[10/22/23 05:11:30] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10515/11418] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2512/5000] and WON! [1 day, 07:40:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/22/23 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6229/11210] has challenged TWO [5178/7674] in combat and WON! [9 days, 18:21:22] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and TWO gets [1]XP. TWO has [92] LIFE left.
[10/22/23 09:36:48] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[10/23/23 02:43:05] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [16 days, 07:45:13] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Azerbaijan gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/24/23 06:49:00] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[10/24/23 06:49:00] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 08:41:32] is removed from TTL!
[10/24/23 08:01:52] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2218/6894] has attacked a Wolf [1724/3000] and killed it! 0 days, 21:28:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/24/23 17:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6304/6894] has challenged Hendricks [3977/8611] in combat and WON! [3 days, 03:50:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Hendricks gets [2]XP. Hendricks has [83] LIFE left.
[10/25/23 12:42:23] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2607/4366] has attacked a Bat [923/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 15:10:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[10/25/23 23:10:33] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid learned Perl !!! This moves them [1 day, 09:21:25] closer towards level [78].
[10/26/23 03:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ucsc [926/1802] has challenged IPv6Bid [1517/2298] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 18:04:08] is added to ucsc clock. ucsc gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. ucsc has [18] LIFE left.
[10/26/23 18:15:47] Verstappen has won the Power War! As a reward, [24 days, 02:29:05] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[10/27/23 01:49:01] X has won the Champions League! As a reward, [NA (-14)] is removed from TTL. X gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/27/23 07:42:27] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 3 days, 06:28:20 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Hendricks gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[10/27/23 12:18:52] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[10/29/23 10:02:35] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6106/11490] has attacked a Roach [365/500] and killed it! 0 days, 06:14:12 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/29/23 10:15:19] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10552/11490] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [270/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:57:25] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/29/23 21:13:51] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[10/29/23 22:40:42] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 00:20:11] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/30/23 03:14:11] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5077/11510] has attacked a Shadow [614/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:55:02 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[10/30/23 03:33:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [4990/11510] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [554/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:19:39] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/30/23 05:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Musiala [1701/2751] has challenged IPv6Bid [7134/11531] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 02:37:25] is added to Musiala clock. Musiala gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Musiala has [54] LIFE left.
[10/30/23 18:52:30] eTools has won the Champions League! As a reward, [22 days, 09:11:22] is removed from TTL. eTools gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[10/30/23 22:23:47] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[10/30/23 22:23:47] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 19:25:31] is removed from TTL!
[10/31/23 03:02:53] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9878/10954] has attacked a Shadow [1172/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:23:36 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/31/23 03:18:31] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [5548/11019] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3560/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:07:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[10/31/23 04:53:07] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [0 days, 05:31:33] from level [78].
[10/31/23 13:27:31] NimbleX has won the Power War! As a reward, [14 days, 02:19:07] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[10/31/23 19:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [14632/19007] has challenged Sith [71275/5325476] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 13:33:56] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Sith gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [76] LIFE left.
[10/31/23 19:02:04] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 23:15:01 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and X gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/01/23 00:44:47] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/01/23 02:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [15308/17620] has challenged Thor [125931/138816] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 02:24:43] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Thor gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [70] LIFE left.
[11/01/23 21:38:44] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [8202/23811] has challenged Eowyn [174126/307445] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 05:27:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Eowyn gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[11/02/23 02:07:46] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/02/23 03:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) BestHost [723/3269] has challenged IPv6Bid [14594/22668] in combat and LOST! [14 days, 19:15:48] is added to BestHost clock. BestHost gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. BestHost has [97] LIFE left.
[11/02/23 04:00:38] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [17490/22668] has attacked a Bat [601/2000] and killed it! 3 days, 21:46:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/03/23 03:46:32] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/03/23 04:18:27] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [970/23914] has attacked a Shadow [2463/5000] and LOST! [3 days, 15:52:09] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[11/03/23 04:27:19] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [21289/23900] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2150/5000] and WON! [1 day, 22:07:39] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/03/23 07:53:50] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [29 days, 04:15:36] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IonutNM gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/03/23 23:57:23] Uriel, Odin, Hercules, IPv6Bid, Vasile, and Sam have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[11/04/23 03:08:56] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3575/23924] has attacked a Shadow [2045/5000] and killed it! 1 day, 16:18:39 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/04/23 05:43:35] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [19345/23517] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2282/5000] and WON! [0 days, 19:05:00] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/04/23 07:19:11] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/04/23 07:19:11] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [7 days, 02:48:40] is removed from TTL!
[11/04/23 18:01:46] (TEAM-BATTLE) Sauron, Thranduil, and IPv6Bid [24770/27150] have team battled nbwzrd, IonutNM, and Gheorghe [40350/55214] and LOST! [NA (-9292)] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[4] LIFE to the Defeated!
[11/05/23 01:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [16874/24017] has challenged Ra [31955/234103] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 05:13:16] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Ra gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[11/05/23 04:29:02] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [18940/24017] has attacked a Shadow [2863/5000] and killed it! 1 day, 07:12:57 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/05/23 04:33:52] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1997/24088] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2987/5000] and LOST! [0 days, 07:24:46] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [25 days, 00:26:16] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item loses [2] points. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[11/05/23 09:11:16] eTools has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 12:15:47 is removed from TTL eTools gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/05/23 10:43:24] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/05/23 10:43:24] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [6 days, 22:23:53] is removed from TTL!
[11/05/23 13:21:46] Azerbaijan has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 11:36:40 is removed from TTL Azerbaijan gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/05/23 19:37:16] NimbleX has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 11:17:03] is removed from TTL. NimbleX gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/06/23 06:03:48] Imhotep has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 00:00:57 is removed from TTL Imhotep gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/06/23 21:19:47] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[11/07/23 02:56:16] Arwen has won the Death Match! As a reward, 11 days, 10:33:37 is removed from TTL Arwen gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/07/23 06:44:59] Saruman has won the Champions League! As a reward, [28 days, 17:15:14] is removed from TTL. Saruman gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/08/23 11:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hecate [-1942/-4927] has challenged IPv6Bid [1377/4312] in combat and LOST! [13 days, 10:44:55] is added to Hecate clock. Hecate gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hecate has [93] LIFE left.
[11/08/23 13:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Gerard [72/2192] has challenged IPv6Bid [1864/4312] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 19:17:02] is added to Gerard clock. Gerard gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Gerard has [13] LIFE left.
[11/08/23 14:16:22] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a pair of Nikes !!! This moves them [1 day, 07:45:40] closer towards level [79].
[11/08/23 18:24:38] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a pair of Nikes !!! This moves them [1 day, 10:52:13] closer towards level [79].
[11/09/23 13:11:37] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/09/23 13:11:37] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 06:24:31] is removed from TTL!
[11/09/23 18:15:55] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 07:38:56] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Meladze gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/10/23 04:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [20024/22758] has challenged pothed [436/694] in combat and WON! [0 days, 14:28:38] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and pothed gets [1]XP. pothed has [95] LIFE left.
[11/10/23 18:32:44] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[11/10/23 19:12:47] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid invented the wheel !!! This moves them [0 days, 03:02:23] closer towards level [79].
[11/11/23 00:41:44] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1728/23476] has attacked a Bat [1280/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:36:49 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/11/23 00:51:42] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6417/23556] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3372/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:14:14] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/11/23 14:02:37] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [0 days, 21:23:47] from level [79].
[11/11/23 20:12:54] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[11/11/23 20:21:58] Azrael has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 11:24:53] is removed from TTL. Azrael gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/12/23 00:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [19016/21651] has challenged Cerberus [539/908] in combat and WON! [0 days, 07:26:30] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Cerberus gets [2]XP. Cerberus has [98] LIFE left.
[11/12/23 00:32:12] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 10:01:11] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and bite gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/12/23 03:33:10] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2802/21651] has attacked a Bat [943/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:16:30 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/12/23 04:17:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [16873/21651] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1628/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:35:13] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/12/23 06:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5770/21735] has challenged Hathor [80714/89645] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 02:57:58] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hathor gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [86] LIFE left.
[11/12/23 18:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [19525/24150] has challenged PiTBuLL [1467/7154] in combat and WON! [0 days, 02:11:15] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and PiTBuLL gets [2]XP. PiTBuLL has [97] LIFE left.
[11/12/23 21:11:43] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[11/13/23 01:09:08] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid invented the wheel !!! This moves them [0 days, 00:18:36] closer towards level [79].
[11/13/23 02:26:08] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12914/24150] has attacked a Shadow [2026/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:03:40 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/13/23 03:05:33] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [4155/24150] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [351/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:00:45] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/13/23 03:35:13] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [15523/24170] has challenged Saka [675/1896] in combat and WON! [12 days, 10:51:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Saka gets [1]XP. Saka has [96] LIFE left.
[11/13/23 20:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [17693/24170] has challenged Galadriel [222/540] in combat and WON! [7 days, 20:18:42] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Galadriel gets [2]XP. Galadriel has [99] LIFE left.
[11/13/23 21:42:38] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/13/23 21:42:38] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [21 days, 15:46:47] is removed from TTL!
[11/13/23 22:52:36] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [16814/24170] has come upon blackwidow [615/2012] and taken them in combat! [4 days, 05:27:33] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and blackwidow gets [1] XP. blackwidow has [99] life left.
[11/14/23 01:40:25] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [974/24170] has attacked a Shadow [87/5000] and killed it! 1 day, 02:29:35 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[11/14/23 02:09:55] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [20146/24170] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [31/5000] and WON! [0 days, 12:34:19] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/14/23 03:30:47] Achilles, bite, Ares, Saka, IPv6Bid, and Eowyn - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[11/14/23 08:02:32] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [20592/21772] has come upon Chewbacca [243203/353069] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 02:42:24] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Chewbacca gets [3] XP. IPv6Bid has [87] life left.
[11/14/23 08:11:30] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 5 days, 16:12:24 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and eTools gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/14/23 21:48:55] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/15/23 00:15:29] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was tipped by a cow !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 13:01:25] from level [81] .
[11/15/23 03:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [9521/24243] has challenged Oceanus [226891/255492] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 13:54:19] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Oceanus gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[11/15/23 03:37:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [22308/24243] has attacked a Shadow [612/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 15:24:07 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/16/23 00:04:20] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[11/16/23 05:34:11] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12151/24243] has attacked a Bat [587/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:20:04 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/16/23 13:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [16316/20606] has challenged Cerberus [274/908] in combat and WON! [1 day, 15:20:50] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Cerberus gets [1]XP. Cerberus has [97] LIFE left.
[11/16/23 17:50:28] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 14:19:48] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and xucs gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/16/23 18:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [11645/24243] has challenged Ares [81432/110892] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 22:51:14] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Ares gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[11/17/23 01:02:46] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/17/23 01:02:46] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 17:54:20] is removed from TTL!
[11/17/23 03:01:32] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [15258/23758] has attacked a Shadow [2702/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:57:30 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/17/23 09:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [18849/23758] has challenged Nasri [283/4501] in combat and WON! [1 day, 00:41:23] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Nasri gets [1]XP. Nasri has [98] LIFE left.
[11/17/23 12:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10712/23758] has challenged DRAGON [544/626] in combat and WON! [0 days, 19:58:56] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and DRAGON gets [2]XP. DRAGON has [99] LIFE left.
[11/17/23 12:03:11] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly !!! This moves them [0 days, 11:42:05] closer towards level [81].
[11/17/23 13:54:26] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [1906020/4210208] has challenged IPv6Bid [15824/23758] in combat and WON! [0 days, 07:37:33] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[11/17/23 15:02:51] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [6254/23273] has attacked a Bat [1255/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:08:27 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[11/17/23 15:13:31] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3032/23273] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1723/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:57:44] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/18/23 03:41:20] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/18/23 03:41:20] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [1 day, 06:45:18] is removed from TTL!
[11/18/23 04:26:21] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [11523/22807] has attacked a Wolf [225/3000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:37:42 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/18/23 06:50:01] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [20671/22886] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [503/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:42:48] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/18/23 20:02:22] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 02:11:37 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Gheorghe gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/18/23 20:05:55] Gheorghe has won the Champions League! As a reward, [20 days, 17:06:37] is removed from TTL. Gheorghe gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/18/23 22:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [12265/23148] has challenged Legolas [62512/203591] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:34:12] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Legolas gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[11/19/23 05:32:04] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [467/24367] has attacked a Bat [898/2000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:13:31] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[11/19/23 05:45:35] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [15166/24345] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1157/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:06:45] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/19/23 05:50:57] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/19/23 10:09:15] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [16998/24490] has challenged Saruman [38023/39160] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 13:00:14] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Saruman gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[11/20/23 07:08:59] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[11/20/23 07:51:59] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [16369/24245] has attacked a Bat [742/2000] and killed it! 3 days, 22:34:58 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/20/23 08:33:23] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [19308/24245] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2913/5000] and WON! [1 day, 20:54:34] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/20/23 21:20:04] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 07:34:43] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Seymour gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/21/23 16:54:08] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/21/23 16:54:08] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [19 days, 13:46:19] is removed from TTL!
[11/22/23 08:37:26] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [2379/23529] has attacked a Bat [1186/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 22:54:10 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/22/23 08:48:20] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [18317/23529] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2656/5000] and WON! [0 days, 22:16:27] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/22/23 15:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Athena [1338/2182] has challenged IPv6Bid [13071/23624] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 10:39:59] is added to Athena clock. Athena gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Athena has [19] LIFE left.
[11/22/23 18:02:06] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/22/23 18:02:06] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [16 days, 11:21:22] is removed from TTL!
[11/24/23 04:03:55] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 20:48:48 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Azrael gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/24/23 09:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7176/16980] has challenged Azerbaijan [12492/17453] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 15:11:47] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Azerbaijan gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [68] LIFE left.
[11/24/23 09:05:44] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[11/25/23 09:17:13] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [6080/16734] has come upon Gandalf [81897/97222] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 07:41:12] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Gandalf gets [4] XP. IPv6Bid has [64] life left.
[11/25/23 10:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1095/15749] has challenged Aragorn [13365/150026] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 15:55:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Aragorn gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [63] LIFE left.
[11/25/23 10:29:19] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/25/23 10:29:19] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 02:24:56] is removed from TTL!
[11/26/23 03:03:05] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [18808/24609] has attacked a Bat [153/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 17:32:02 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/26/23 05:29:28] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [11501/24609] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3241/5000] and WON! [0 days, 08:16:03] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/26/23 05:59:23] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 14:37:59 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Hendricks gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/26/23 20:04:18] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[11/27/23 02:57:38] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [22515/24630] has attacked a Bat [1325/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:08:58 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/27/23 03:24:09] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [1769/24630] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [880/5000] and WON! [0 days, 06:14:05] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/28/23 01:02:26] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/28/23 04:19:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3710/24272] has attacked a Bat [103/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 10:56:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/28/23 04:26:43] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6466/24272] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [523/5000] and WON! [0 days, 05:11:35] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/28/23 08:05:20] Musiala has won the Death Match! As a reward, 13 days, 13:56:21 is removed from TTL Musiala gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/28/23 09:13:34] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 23:11:33] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Reik gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[11/29/23 04:00:23] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12070/24304] has attacked a Bat [1226/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:23:21 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/29/23 04:04:32] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [24097/24304] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1678/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:33:29] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/29/23 09:27:00] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[11/29/23 09:27:00] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [1 day, 16:35:20] is removed from TTL!
[11/30/23 06:40:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [17597/24821] has attacked a Bat [1005/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:37:44 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/30/23 06:52:07] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [18840/24821] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1180/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:46:08] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/30/23 10:09:56] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[11/30/23 10:11:17] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 12:48:03 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Hendricks gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[11/30/23 13:04:37] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [15625/22480] has attacked a Bat [546/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:32:56 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/30/23 13:09:10] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [16599/22565] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3160/5000] and WON! [0 days, 00:15:31] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[11/30/23 18:44:52] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid died, temporarily.. !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 00:16:12] from level [82] .
[11/30/23 23:31:03] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3469/25279] has challenged Fernandez [1617/2466] in combat and WON! [12 days, 23:49:33] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Fernandez gets [1]XP. Fernandez has [30] LIFE left.
[12/01/23 09:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Artemis [623/997] has challenged IPv6Bid [6552/25279] in combat and LOST! [17 days, 01:27:34] is added to Artemis clock. Artemis gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Artemis has [94] LIFE left.
[12/01/23 11:01:36] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/01/23 11:01:36] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [9 days, 23:32:07] is removed from TTL!
[12/02/23 11:14:28] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 14 days, 07:35:05 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and iANiS gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/02/23 11:36:23] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[12/03/23 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sam [281/784] has challenged IPv6Bid [3387/25279] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 04:18:45] is added to Sam clock. Sam gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Sam has [98] LIFE left.
[12/03/23 05:07:55] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5792/25279] has attacked a Bat [1035/2000] and killed it! 1 day, 15:11:25 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/03/23 22:22:44] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/03/23 22:22:44] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [3 days, 15:17:03] is removed from TTL!
[12/04/23 17:21:58] Hendricks has won the Death Match! As a reward, 8 days, 19:01:58 is removed from TTL Hendricks gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/04/23 18:40:51] iANiS has won the Power War! As a reward, [5 days, 01:28:14] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[12/04/23 21:56:40] Gerard has won the Champions League! As a reward, [17 days, 03:38:47] is removed from TTL. Gerard gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/05/23 00:02:43] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[12/05/23 04:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [12532/15925] has challenged Hercules [891/957] in combat and WON! [4 days, 19:59:14] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Hercules gets [2]XP. Hercules has [98] LIFE left.
[12/05/23 09:53:27] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 23:24:26 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Verstappen gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/05/23 15:53:30] Leclerc, IPv6Bid, Erebus, Uriel, Motorhead, and Odin have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[12/06/23 05:01:55] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [3 days, 19:23:29] toward level [83].
[12/06/23 14:58:26] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[12/06/23 19:28:14] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Pantera [6416491/6514413] has challenged IPv6Bid [7266/25354] in combat and WON! [57 days, 10:28:23] is removed from Pantera clock. Pantera gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[12/07/23 01:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Leclerc [2281/6473] has challenged IPv6Bid [19694/25100] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 18:40:28] is added to Leclerc clock. Leclerc gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Leclerc has [76] LIFE left.
[12/07/23 06:11:32] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [239231/5584853] has challenged IPv6Bid [25273/25354] in combat and WON! [0 days, 03:59:06] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[12/07/23 11:59:13] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 13:36:00 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Russell gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/07/23 23:17:56] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/07/23 23:17:56] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 10:33:10] is removed from TTL!
[12/08/23 07:59:31] (TEAM-BATTLE) IPv6Bid, Sith, and Pantera [7059918/13971661] have team battled Ionut, bite, and Palpatine [56162/142126] and WON! [0 days, 00:32:52] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) +5XP, ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS. -3 LIFE and +2XP to the DEFEATED!
[12/08/23 10:10:59] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [11633/25354] has challenged Freyja [608/746] in combat and WON! [12 days, 10:34:56] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Freyja gets [2]XP. Freyja has [96] LIFE left.
[12/09/23 00:33:01] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid tried to pick up some green slime! IPv6Bid's gloves loses [10%] effectiveness.
[12/09/23 09:20:43] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/09/23 14:10:34] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [4 days, 04:07:34] toward level [84].
[12/10/23 00:34:32] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [26 days, 09:31:36] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Reik gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/10/23 02:32:40] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [22975/24039] has come upon Medusa [1084/1442] and taken them in combat! [4 days, 20:20:23] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP and Medusa gets [2] XP. Medusa has [99] life left.
[12/10/23 11:53:49] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/10/23 11:53:49] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [10 days, 05:48:37] is removed from TTL!
[12/11/23 13:00:36] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/12/23 00:57:57] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [5 days, 00:51:13] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Haaland gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/12/23 04:04:02] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [20297/25358] has attacked a Shadow [3381/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:51:18 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[12/12/23 04:12:24] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [12536/25441] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1039/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:43:39] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/12/23 15:52:55] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[12/13/23 00:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [17917/24951] has challenged Tudor [2342/2553] in combat and WON! [0 days, 22:36:15] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Tudor gets [2]XP. Tudor has [79] LIFE left.
[12/13/23 01:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Verstappen [5004/15018] has challenged IPv6Bid [316/24951] in combat and WON! [0 days, 13:49:29] is removed from Verstappen clock. Verstappen gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [95] LIFE left.
[12/13/23 03:42:52] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid fell into a hole !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 10:55:09] from level [84] .
[12/13/23 16:48:52] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/14/23 01:24:59] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sith [263655/7673940] has challenged IPv6Bid [10571/25511] in combat and WON! [0 days, 10:12:53] is removed from Sith clock. Sith gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[12/14/23 06:06:24] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 15:22:58 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and xucs gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/14/23 23:59:16] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 22:40:47] toward level [84].
[12/15/23 03:46:54] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [23026/25009] has attacked a Shadow [3082/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:19:11 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/15/23 03:55:58] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Ionut [86933/126532] has challenged IPv6Bid [12030/25009] in combat and WON! [3 days, 05:07:48] is removed from Ionut clock. Ionut gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[12/15/23 04:00:03] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [502/24244] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [1969/15000] and LOST! [0 days, 00:04:23] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [0 days, 05:55:46] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item loses [4] points. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[12/15/23 09:55:48] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1661/25471] has challenged Prometheus [1215/1426] in combat and WON! [13 days, 08:27:57] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Prometheus gets [2]XP. Prometheus has [97] LIFE left.
[12/15/23 10:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5318/25471] has challenged DarthMaul [232/872] in combat and WON! [10 days, 22:46:07] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and DarthMaul gets [1]XP. DarthMaul has [99] LIFE left.
[12/15/23 15:00:12] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/16/23 00:41:09] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [4256740/7302097] has challenged IPv6Bid [9572/25523] in combat and WON! [61 days, 13:38:13] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[12/16/23 10:03:55] (RANDOM-FIGHT) AMNeSia [3/5] has challenged IPv6Bid [24281/25523] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:02:10] is added to AMNeSia clock. AMNeSia gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. AMNeSia has [99] LIFE left.
[12/16/23 12:02:58] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 18:12:09 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and X gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/16/23 23:57:50] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/16/23 23:57:50] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [17 days, 08:12:12] is removed from TTL!
[12/17/23 06:48:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12465/23225] has attacked a Roach [373/500] and killed it! 1 day, 01:05:32 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/17/23 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ATW [12531/23751] has challenged IPv6Bid [8048/23303] in combat and WON! [13 days, 21:30:27] is removed from ATW clock. ATW gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [87] LIFE left.
[12/18/23 01:27:45] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/18/23 01:27:45] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [4 days, 09:21:48] is removed from TTL!
[12/18/23 09:28:09] (RANDOMFIGHT) eTools [18172/20949] has come upon IPv6Bid [20669/22278] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 04:14:24] is added to eTools clock. eTools gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. eTools has [96] life left.
[12/18/23 14:55:51] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [5 days, 05:31:48] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Vasile gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/27/23 05:52:13] Gerard has won the Champions League! As a reward, [7 days, 05:48:54] is removed from TTL. Gerard gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/27/23 10:53:05] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[12/27/23 14:58:56] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [3 days, 16:53:23] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Rashford gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[12/27/23 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Chaos [488/532] has challenged IPv6Bid [19277/21597] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 09:15:21] is added to Chaos clock. Chaos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Chaos has [96] LIFE left.
[12/28/23 02:07:36] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [7474/25711] has attacked a Shadow [48/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 04:52:29 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/28/23 02:20:58] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [19332/25806] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3537/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:18:36] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/28/23 04:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Artemis [968/1032] has challenged IPv6Bid [8110/25827] in combat and LOST! [17 days, 03:46:12] is added to Artemis clock. Artemis gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Artemis has [99] LIFE left.
[12/28/23 14:26:58] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/28/23 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [24606/25877] has challenged Sauron [1129/2698] in combat and WON! [0 days, 14:31:22] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Sauron gets [2]XP. Sauron has [95] LIFE left.
[12/29/23 02:02:59] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [21408/25877] has attacked a Shadow [1762/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:35:36 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/29/23 03:10:48] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3001/25877] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2024/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:12:12] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/29/23 05:42:23] (RANDOMFIGHT) Russell [4438/14659] has come upon IPv6Bid [14311/25897] and been defeated in combat! [3 days, 17:58:47] is added to Russell clock. Russell gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Russell has [72] life left.
[12/29/23 16:33:36] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[12/29/23 16:33:36] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 12:45:11] is removed from TTL!
[12/30/23 02:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Smaug [424/548] has challenged IPv6Bid [15153/19681] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 11:21:03] is added to Smaug clock. Smaug gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Smaug has [91] LIFE left.
[12/30/23 13:22:05] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4184/25897] has challenged Saruman [17841/35643] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 18:34:03] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Saruman gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[12/30/23 19:14:07] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[12/30/23 19:25:41] Arwen has won the Death Match! As a reward, 14 days, 22:19:50 is removed from TTL Arwen gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/31/23 02:24:30] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [19935/20500] has attacked a Troll [1650/10000] and killed it! 4 days, 05:17:40 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/31/23 02:29:31] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [17465/25950] tried to slay a Yellow_Dragon [2866/7500] and WON! [2 days, 00:06:46] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [3] points.
[12/31/23 19:46:46] Leclerc has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 12:28:14 is removed from TTL Leclerc gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[12/31/23 20:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [13299/24681] has challenged Isis [96146/117354] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 14:50:01] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Isis gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [92] LIFE left.
[12/31/23 21:07:15] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [26 days, 16:58:56] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Gheorghe gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[12/31/23 21:11:17] Thorin, Gollum, Galadriel, IPv6Bid, tcl, and Raziel have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[01/01/24 00:31:49] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/01/24 05:23:35] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [7380/26033] has attacked a Troll [2076/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 07:40:23 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/01/24 20:21:09] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid carded some Adidas clothes from an on-line dealer !!! This moves them [5 days, 05:08:23] closer towards level [86].
[01/01/24 23:59:53] (TEAM-BATTLE) Hendricks, IPv6Bid, and Rashford [43816/46221] have team battled HellSpawn, Hades, and Leia [7076911/9070263] and LOST! [3 days, 11:32:27] is added to their clocks. (AWARDS) ITEMS, STONES,GOLD, and GEMS +[5] XP to the Winners! and +[2] XP -[1] LIFE to the Defeated!
[01/02/24 03:49:45] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [15947/25512] has attacked a Roach [121/500] and killed it! 2 days, 01:41:15 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/02/24 03:53:28] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/02/24 04:15:40] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [6738/25561] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3021/5000] and WON! [0 days, 23:35:27] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[01/02/24 19:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Thorin [251/869] has challenged IPv6Bid [278/26103] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 20:14:10] is added to Thorin clock. Thorin gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Thorin has [96] LIFE left.
[01/02/24 21:31:42] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 10 days, 03:45:00 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Rashford gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/03/24 04:52:20] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/03/24 16:45:51] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [7 days, 17:32:23] toward level [86].
[01/04/24 11:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [15574/24014] has challenged Palpatine [584/854] in combat and WON! [3 days, 02:07:19] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Palpatine gets [2]XP. Palpatine has [97] LIFE left.
[01/04/24 12:33:17] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/04/24 21:54:23] IonutNM has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 00:09:25] is removed from TTL. IonutNM gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/04/24 22:21:10] (RANDOMFIGHT) Galadriel [2472/7553] has come upon IPv6Bid [16451/22755] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 00:55:30] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Galadriel has [96] life left.
[01/04/24 23:37:38] Auggie has won the Death Match! As a reward, 22 days, 18:16:18 is removed from TTL Auggie gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/05/24 02:08:40] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 04:00:45] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Musiala gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/05/24 07:36:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [21381/26156] has attacked a Shadow [2767/5000] and killed it! 0 days, 14:27:49 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/05/24 13:26:12] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/05/24 16:50:55] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid carded some Adidas clothes from an on-line dealer !!! This moves them [0 days, 13:16:42] closer towards level [86].
[01/06/24 03:25:33] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3182/26156] has attacked a Bat [359/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 12:05:08 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/06/24 03:49:21] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [23631/26156] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [3275/5000] and WON! [0 days, 05:43:50] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [6] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[01/06/24 07:45:23] (RANDOM-FIGHT) freak [3151875/9853729] has challenged IPv6Bid [1179/26176] in combat and WON! [72 days, 11:43:00] is removed from freak clock. freak gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[01/06/24 16:09:18] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[01/06/24 16:09:18] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [2 days, 06:54:14] is removed from TTL!
[01/07/24 02:50:10] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [675/26176] has attacked a Bat [1005/2000] and LOST! [0 days, 07:16:45] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[01/07/24 03:01:24] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [25795/26155] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2027/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:49:00] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[01/07/24 12:02:20] Auggie has won the Champions League! As a reward, [5 days, 13:37:59] is removed from TTL. Auggie gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/07/24 17:30:07] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/08/24 02:08:36] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12337/15181] has attacked a Bat [1361/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 06:17:13 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/08/24 02:19:22] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [3067/15240] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [379/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:58:54] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[01/08/24 04:03:57] Ionutz has won the Power War! As a reward, [5 days, 11:55:17] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[01/08/24 06:04:38] Vasile has won the Death Match! As a reward, 12 days, 05:08:07 is removed from TTL Vasile gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/08/24 16:52:49] Saruman has won the Champions League! As a reward, [4 days, 19:19:31] is removed from TTL. Saruman gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/09/24 02:46:38] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [14113/26298] has attacked a Roach [236/500] and killed it! 0 days, 04:35:30 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/09/24 02:52:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [26040/26298] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [2790/5000] and WON! [0 days, 02:10:43] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[01/09/24 03:32:44] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [18187/26319] has challenged Demeter [140531/149017] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 10:15:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Demeter gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[01/09/24 04:07:58] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [15368/25266] has attacked a Troll [4734/10000] and killed it! 4 days, 09:06:06 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/09/24 05:35:28] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/10/24 02:57:21] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 24 days, 16:13:58 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Valverde gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/10/24 04:42:02] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [19004/26369] has attacked a Troll [3973/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 21:00:23 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/10/24 06:59:35] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/11/24 03:50:30] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [15873/26469] has attacked a Troll [4321/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 16:23:57 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/11/24 04:09:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [8932/26562] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [9887/15000] and LOST! [0 days, 15:17:26] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid reaches next level in [51 days, 14:33:18] and must wait [0 days, 06:00:00] to slay again. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item loses [4] points. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[01/11/24 09:34:54] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/12/24 08:31:56] Azerbaijan has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 01:04:42 is removed from TTL Azerbaijan gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/12/24 13:46:42] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/12/24 14:04:39] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [21200/26497] has attacked a Troll [1786/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 12:15:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/12/24 15:52:58] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [6 days, 04:37:09] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Ionutz gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[01/13/24 04:28:11] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [14902/26600] has attacked a Troll [3039/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 01:06:03 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/13/24 15:16:56] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/14/24 16:36:54] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 16:54:10] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Hendricks gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/15/24 14:27:19] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/15/24 23:45:35] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was bitten by drdink !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 13:40:47] from level [87] .
[01/16/24 19:09:34] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 5 days, 00:36:04 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Odin gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/16/24 23:41:19] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/18/24 05:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10395/26068] has challenged NightKing [115/524] in combat and WON! [3 days, 04:15:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and NightKing gets [1]XP. NightKing has [94] LIFE left.
[01/18/24 06:59:17] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/18/24 07:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sam [499/784] has challenged IPv6Bid [21705/26117] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 21:38:48] is added to Sam clock. Sam gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Sam has [97] LIFE left.
[01/18/24 23:09:07] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [26033/26117] has come upon Hathor [21139/89103] and taken them in combat! [3 days, 16:32:21] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP and Hathor gets [2] XP. Hathor has [92] life left.
[01/19/24 02:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Bellingham [4079/6444] has challenged IPv6Bid [102/26117] in combat and WON! [0 days, 04:15:14] is removed from Bellingham clock. Bellingham gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[01/19/24 07:00:00] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/19/24 12:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Palpatine [272/886] has challenged IPv6Bid [4393/23765] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 17:34:37] is added to Palpatine clock. Palpatine gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Palpatine has [97] LIFE left.
[01/20/24 07:23:30] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/20/24 07:24:36] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8360/26703] has attacked a Troll [2863/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 11:41:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/20/24 09:48:44] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [24368/25446] tried to slay a Yellow_Dragon [951/7500] and WON! [0 days, 05:29:47] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [3] points.
[01/20/24 13:15:49] xucs has won the Death Match! As a reward, 27 days, 13:55:05 is removed from TTL xucs gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/20/24 17:17:11] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 09:06:06] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Ionutz gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/20/24 17:26:17] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 22:34:20 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Vasile gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/21/24 02:58:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [22387/22793] has attacked a Troll [5573/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 07:04:35 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/21/24 08:34:51] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[01/22/24 02:52:42] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [5630/26868] has attacked a Troll [3521/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:31:37 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/22/24 02:57:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [25959/26868] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [10235/15000] and WON! [0 days, 02:37:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[01/22/24 09:18:32] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/23/24 02:59:21] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [19212/26909] has attacked a Troll [2849/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 03:54:50 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/23/24 03:24:14] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [23731/27003] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [8484/15000] and WON! [0 days, 01:50:55] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[01/23/24 12:44:58] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 21:20:18] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and bite gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[01/23/24 13:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [26107/27140] has challenged Sam [168/546] in combat and WON! [0 days, 07:49:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Sam gets [2]XP. Sam has [66] LIFE left.
[01/23/24 13:21:31] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/23/24 14:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4394/27140] has challenged Erebus [6147/109758] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 04:31:41] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Erebus gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[01/23/24 20:03:51] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid spilled a level 10 shrinking potion on their tunic! IPv6Bid's tunic loses [10%] effectiveness.
[01/24/24 02:49:31] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [8254/26575] has attacked a Troll [211/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:12:09 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/24/24 02:59:02] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [22466/26575] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [4105/15000] and WON! [0 days, 00:34:02] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[01/24/24 16:02:10] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/25/24 01:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [21220/26617] has challenged Nasri [655/9967] in combat and WON! [13 days, 21:25:33] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Nasri gets [1]XP. Nasri has [93] LIFE left.
[01/25/24 03:04:29] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12915/26617] has attacked a Troll [6863/10000] and killed it! 3 days, 03:50:55 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/25/24 04:25:01] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [16139/26730] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [4133/15000] and WON! [1 day, 11:59:40] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[01/25/24 17:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [26573/26869] has challenged iANiS [6523/39705] in combat and WON! [13 days, 21:53:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and iANiS gets [1]XP. iANiS has [98] LIFE left.
[01/25/24 21:03:21] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/25/24 21:03:33] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/26/24 02:12:41] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [11725/22301] has attacked a Troll [4023/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 04:24:18 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/26/24 02:18:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [21009/22301] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [11093/15000] and WON! [1 day, 00:53:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[01/26/24 11:23:48] ATW has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 11:30:29 is removed from TTL ATW gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/26/24 19:34:21] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 5 days, 23:01:03 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IonutNM gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/27/24 03:28:36] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/27/24 07:01:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [18142/26910] has attacked a Troll [978/10000] and killed it! 1 day, 15:56:56 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/28/24 03:57:47] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[01/28/24 16:54:15] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a pair of Nikes !!! This moves them [1 day, 12:17:07] closer towards level [88].
[01/28/24 22:39:06] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [12973/26489] has come upon IonutNM [7184/46573] and taken them in combat! [6 days, 06:24:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and IonutNM gets [1] XP. IonutNM has [85] life left.
[01/29/24 06:19:46] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/29/24 06:38:19] eTools has won the Power War! As a reward, [5 days, 14:01:52] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[01/29/24 17:19:33] IonutNM has won the Death Match! As a reward, 6 days, 11:03:51 is removed from TTL IonutNM gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/29/24 21:30:01] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 7 days, 05:32:34 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Reik gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[01/30/24 03:22:46] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a poisonous fruit !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 23:10:11] from level [88] .
[01/30/24 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [17682/19731] has challenged Poseidon [795/1295] in combat and WON! [2 days, 22:42:30] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Poseidon gets [2]XP. Poseidon has [89] LIFE left.
[01/30/24 07:23:53] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[01/30/24 11:24:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [11947/27030] has attacked a Troll [1322/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:46:17 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[01/30/24 11:29:46] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [22571/27030] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [7277/15000] and WON! [0 days, 06:32:21] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [8] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[02/05/24 10:23:47] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/05/24 19:12:57] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 15:44:21] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Bellingham gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[02/05/24 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [323/18986] has challenged Gerard [19396/20183] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 18:30:41] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Gerard gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [66] LIFE left.
[02/06/24 22:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Raziel [25/535] has challenged IPv6Bid [4273/15188] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 00:35:02] is added to Raziel clock. Raziel gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Raziel has [77] LIFE left.
[02/07/24 06:15:20] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/08/24 04:29:31] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 23:27:26 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Meladze gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[02/08/24 14:10:02] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/09/24 08:33:31] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [2 days, 01:19:20] from level [88].
[02/09/24 16:41:49] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[02/09/24 16:41:49] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 12:50:01] is removed from TTL!
[02/10/24 06:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [11947/25864] has challenged xucs [6297/16550] in combat and WON! [0 days, 16:58:09] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and xucs gets [2]XP. xucs has [94] LIFE left.
[02/11/24 01:06:58] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [12384/27226] has attacked a Troll [6973/10000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:14:10 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[02/11/24 01:32:46] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[02/11/24 02:19:17] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [21580/27330] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [4066/15000] and WON! [0 days, 01:01:55] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[02/11/24 11:50:53] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 09:31:29] toward level [88].
[02/12/24 01:55:28] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[02/12/24 04:52:05] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 00:32:36] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Athena gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[02/12/24 08:30:15] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10051/27372] has challenged Uriel [654/666] in combat and WON! [13 days, 06:58:56] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Uriel gets [2]XP. Uriel has [98] LIFE left.
[02/13/24 02:10:25] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[02/14/24 06:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DRAGON [381/689] has challenged IPv6Bid [4962/27372] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 03:28:29] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. DRAGON has [96] LIFE left.
[02/14/24 09:59:08] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [7 days, 12:56:54] from level [89].
[02/14/24 10:50:37] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[02/15/24 06:18:37] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid burned his Hard Disk Drive !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [5 days, 13:28:55] from level [89] .
[02/15/24 13:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Leclerc [1426/3394] has challenged IPv6Bid [21/19707] in combat and WON! [6 days, 14:58:37] is removed from Leclerc clock. Leclerc gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [71] LIFE left.
[02/15/24 20:36:50] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/16/24 21:12:24] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/18/24 03:22:29] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[02/18/24 05:01:17] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid bit their tongue !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [6 days, 11:52:17] from level [89] .
[02/18/24 23:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7630/9616] has challenged Meladze [1634/2627] in combat and WON! [15 days, 13:57:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Meladze gets [2]XP. Meladze has [14] LIFE left.
[02/19/24 14:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DarthMaul [797/938] has challenged IPv6Bid [1583/4396] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 01:29:33] is added to DarthMaul clock. DarthMaul gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. DarthMaul has [87] LIFE left.
[02/19/24 20:33:28] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly !!! This moves them [6 days, 18:10:15] closer towards level [89].
[02/20/24 00:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) blackwidow [112/1999] has challenged IPv6Bid [404/4396] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 07:10:41] is added to blackwidow clock. blackwidow gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. blackwidow has [91] LIFE left.
[02/20/24 02:54:17] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [9599/27475] has attacked a Troll [5695/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 17:17:17 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[02/20/24 03:15:18] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [15404/27581] tried to slay a Green_Dragon [6283/15000] and WON! [1 day, 07:00:11] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [5] XP. Each item gains [4] points.
[02/20/24 04:40:39] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/21/24 04:12:18] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [20267/27728] has attacked a Troll [3626/10000] and killed it! 2 days, 12:02:00 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[02/21/24 04:32:36] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Reik [1524/7727] has challenged IPv6Bid [8568/27826] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 09:09:50] is added to Reik clock. Reik gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Reik has [98] LIFE left.
[02/21/24 05:36:28] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[02/22/24 06:25:23] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/22/24 18:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [538/545] has challenged IPv6Bid [13449/18957] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 19:52:07] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Hypnos has [76] LIFE left.
[02/22/24 19:36:16] ATW has won the Power War! As a reward, [0 days, 05:01:48] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[02/22/24 20:43:40] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 20 days, 04:19:12 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Russell gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[02/22/24 21:17:04] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [1 day, 19:06:34] closer towards level [89].
[02/23/24 02:59:32] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1922/17563] has attacked a Troll [4247/10000] and LOST! [1 day, 04:21:06] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [59] LIFE left.
[02/23/24 08:32:52] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[02/23/24 23:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [11509/20447] has challenged Freyja [200/495] in combat and WON! [4 days, 01:48:48] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Freyja gets [2]XP. Freyja has [63] LIFE left.
[02/24/24 09:34:00] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[02/24/24 09:34:00] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [7 days, 00:07:09] is removed from TTL!
[02/24/24 18:50:45] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [3 days, 23:34:04] toward level [89].
[02/26/24 09:36:39] IonutNM has won the Death Match! As a reward, 44 days, 18:46:08 is removed from TTL IonutNM gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[02/26/24 12:23:21] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[02/26/24 14:12:07] Leclerc has won the Champions League! As a reward, [24 days, 02:16:02] is removed from TTL. Leclerc gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[02/27/24 10:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [182/6090] has challenged blackwidow [458/1758] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 15:48:54] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and blackwidow gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [18] LIFE left.
[03/02/24 14:51:10] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [877/4983] has come upon Eowyn [13909/305685] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 11:41:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Eowyn gets [4] XP. IPv6Bid has [14] life left.
[03/04/24 04:23:52] Azerbaijan has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 14:45:13] is removed from TTL. Azerbaijan gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[03/04/24 04:32:17] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[03/04/24 18:20:19] (RANDOM-FIGHT) RussBot [2117/2543] has challenged IPv6Bid [10320/26299] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 07:34:27] is added to RussBot clock. RussBot gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. RussBot has [96] LIFE left.
[03/04/24 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2218/26299] has challenged Seymour [1824/3305] in combat and WON! [0 days, 05:49:34] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Seymour gets [2]XP. Seymour has [25] LIFE left.
[03/05/24 03:07:42] Athena has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 01:41:57] is removed from TTL. Athena gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[03/05/24 07:32:57] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/05/24 07:32:57] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 02:08:38] is removed from TTL!
[03/05/24 12:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Athena [24563/28273] has challenged IPv6Bid [9565/23531] in combat and WON! [0 days, 20:14:46] is removed from Athena clock. Athena gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [84] LIFE left.
[03/05/24 19:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Saka [835/1429] has challenged IPv6Bid [3955/23254] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 09:50:53] is added to Saka clock. Saka gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Saka has [10] LIFE left.
[03/05/24 19:00:45] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [0 days, 00:04:56] closer towards level [89].
[03/05/24 19:36:58] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [25610/27684] has challenged Athena [11695/26542] in combat and WON! [16 days, 15:04:37] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Athena gets [2]XP. Athena has [89] LIFE left.
[03/05/24 21:24:36] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid called a taxi.. !!! This moves them [4 days, 08:57:53] closer towards level [90].
[03/06/24 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) blackwidow [445/1534] has challenged IPv6Bid [19628/24915] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 07:07:45] is added to blackwidow clock. blackwidow gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. blackwidow has [72] LIFE left.
[03/06/24 09:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [419/24915] has challenged HellSpawn [2053121/10775572] in combat and LOST! [26 days, 12:09:04] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and HellSpawn gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [86] LIFE left.
[03/06/24 11:55:22] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/06/24 11:55:22] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [10 days, 22:06:07] is removed from TTL!
[03/06/24 14:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [14300/23808] has challenged Tauriel [527/560] in combat and WON! [14 days, 14:23:50] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Tauriel gets [2]XP. Tauriel has [77] LIFE left.
[03/07/24 03:44:02] Azerbaijan has won the Death Match! As a reward, 11 days, 20:54:56 is removed from TTL Azerbaijan gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/07/24 13:30:37] (RANDOM-FIGHT) shadow [12321553/12610853] has challenged IPv6Bid [378/27684] in combat and WON! [79 days, 05:45:37] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[03/07/24 16:47:15] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [12 days, 14:27:26] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Athena gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[03/07/24 18:57:18] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/07/24 18:57:18] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [9 days, 08:44:17] is removed from TTL!
[03/08/24 22:37:58] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[03/09/24 13:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Ionutz [23713/28517] has challenged IPv6Bid [8233/27130] in combat and WON! [2 days, 09:03:23] is removed from Ionutz clock. Ionutz gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [94] LIFE left.
[03/09/24 16:15:21] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [3 days, 16:05:38] toward level [90].
[03/10/24 01:14:06] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[03/10/24 01:15:06] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[03/10/24 10:55:56] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 10 days, 17:10:53 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and eTools gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/10/24 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4590/24915] has challenged Gandalf [84764/96304] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 16:55:29] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Gandalf gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [88] LIFE left.
[03/11/24 05:47:10] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/11/24 05:47:10] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [6 days, 06:01:56] is removed from TTL!
[03/12/24 02:34:51] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got harassed by peer !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 10:26:46] from level [90] .
[03/12/24 09:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Nasri [319/1171] has challenged IPv6Bid [23043/23254] in combat and LOST! [15 days, 12:38:01] is added to Nasri clock. Nasri gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Nasri has [7] LIFE left.
[03/12/24 12:45:36] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[03/13/24 15:40:24] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[03/14/24 13:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2932/17473] has challenged Thorin [80/722] in combat and WON! [2 days, 01:09:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Thorin gets [2]XP. Thorin has [80] LIFE left.
[03/14/24 16:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [402/641] has challenged IPv6Bid [939/14144] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 06:09:39] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Hypnos has [88] LIFE left.
[03/19/24 14:37:34] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[03/20/24 02:08:47] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [20013/21078] has come upon Leclerc [17411/17435] and taken them in combat! [2 days, 02:18:12] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP and Leclerc gets [1] XP. Leclerc has [83] life left.
[03/20/24 05:45:17] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 23:04:18 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Gerard gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/20/24 14:49:59] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/20/24 14:49:59] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [2 days, 06:23:09] is removed from TTL!
[03/21/24 02:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [420/713] has challenged IPv6Bid [2270/27735] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 22:14:36] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Hypnos has [98] LIFE left.
[03/21/24 07:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DRAGON [273/787] has challenged IPv6Bid [3452/27735] in combat and LOST! [36 days, 14:25:47] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. DRAGON has [99] LIFE left.
[03/21/24 17:05:26] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/21/24 17:05:26] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 05:43:14] is removed from TTL!
[03/22/24 07:19:05] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Motorhead [11583978/13138812] has challenged IPv6Bid [771/27735] in combat and WON! [82 days, 18:14:25] is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[03/22/24 07:25:02] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 13:25:21 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and NimbleX gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/23/24 01:57:09] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [21023/27735] has challenged Gerard [10821/17784] in combat and WON! [17 days, 15:21:38] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Gerard gets [1]XP. Gerard has [74] LIFE left.
[03/23/24 03:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4708/27735] has challenged Thorin [697/870] in combat and WON! [10 days, 14:59:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Thorin gets [1]XP. Thorin has [99] LIFE left.
[03/23/24 09:08:41] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/23/24 09:08:41] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [17 days, 13:11:58] is removed from TTL!
[03/24/24 13:45:54] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/24/24 13:45:54] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [4 days, 22:21:01] is removed from TTL!
[03/25/24 00:59:26] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 9 days, 14:47:57 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and ucsc gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/25/24 10:47:24] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [7 days, 12:05:45] toward level [91].
[03/25/24 17:14:38] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[03/26/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DRAGON [409/771] has challenged IPv6Bid [11815/26625] in combat and LOST! [51 days, 14:15:17] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. DRAGON has [95] LIFE left.
[03/26/24 20:51:57] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid EXPLODED, somewhat.. !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 18:25:08] from level [91] .
[03/26/24 22:31:11] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[03/27/24 10:02:34] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 15:52:50 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Bellingham gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/28/24 12:03:13] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[03/29/24 01:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [8326/25610] has challenged Uriel [140/665] in combat and WON! [0 days, 23:35:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Uriel gets [2]XP. Uriel has [94] LIFE left.
[03/29/24 11:16:09] IonutNM has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 14:11:00 is removed from TTL IonutNM gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[03/29/24 12:40:33] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[03/30/24 09:08:29] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 12:48:21] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Seymour gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[03/30/24 16:47:22] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[03/30/24 16:47:22] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 18:06:31] is removed from TTL!
[03/31/24 03:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Romulus [383/408] has challenged IPv6Bid [13850/16702] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 15:15:00] is added to Romulus clock. Romulus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Romulus has [81] LIFE left.
[03/31/24 09:02:13] (RANDOMFIGHT) Erebus [15421/109763] has come upon IPv6Bid [1543/16702] and taken them in combat! [2 days, 13:49:02] is removed from Erebus clock. Erebus gets [4] XP and IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. IPv6Bid has [56] life left.
[04/01/24 02:17:18] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[04/01/24 02:17:18] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 00:49:01] is removed from TTL!
[04/01/24 04:44:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [18497/27838] has challenged Hercules [557/969] in combat and WON! [16 days, 05:40:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hercules gets [1]XP. Hercules has [89] LIFE left.
[04/01/24 10:44:16] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid carded some Adidas clothes from an on-line dealer !!! This moves them [3 days, 21:09:42] closer towards level [92].
[04/02/24 08:09:19] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [23 days, 23:14:46] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Meladze gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[04/02/24 14:42:58] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/03/24 03:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [13872/22033] has challenged NimbleXv6 [29391/42689] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 06:36:10] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and NimbleXv6 gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [78] LIFE left.
[04/03/24 16:03:37] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[04/03/24 18:40:25] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was bucked from a horse !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 23:44:51] from level [92] .
[04/04/24 14:43:35] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Valverde [7206/14697] has challenged IPv6Bid [9846/21754] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 09:12:27] is added to Valverde clock. Valverde gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Valverde has [96] LIFE left.
[04/04/24 16:12:52] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[04/04/24 16:12:52] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [12 days, 06:20:53] is removed from TTL!
[04/04/24 23:12:31] Auggie has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 07:19:47] is removed from TTL. Auggie gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[04/05/24 16:13:36] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/06/24 17:55:51] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/06/24 18:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [6046/16515] has challenged Ra [136452/247984] in combat and LOST! [3 days, 23:33:12] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Ra gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [56] LIFE left.
[04/06/24 18:42:17] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid owned a N.A.S.A. server and made a better psybnc !!! This moves them [2 days, 10:33:00] closer towards level [92].
[04/06/24 21:23:58] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid burned a hole through their leggings while ironing! IPv6Bid's leggings loses [10%] effectiveness.
[04/06/24 23:32:26] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Auggie [3452/23149] has challenged IPv6Bid [14117/15608] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 13:17:15] is added to Auggie clock. Auggie gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Auggie has [99] LIFE left.
[04/07/24 18:55:40] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[04/08/24 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Saka [1346/1439] has challenged IPv6Bid [4302/7246] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 13:25:50] is added to Saka clock. Saka gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Saka has [10] LIFE left.
[04/08/24 22:20:15] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[04/10/24 00:02:37] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/10/24 11:57:15] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got turned INSIDE OUT, practically !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 16:53:07] from level [92] .
[04/12/24 09:46:45] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [1 day, 10:44:53] closer towards level [92].
[04/12/24 18:23:52] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid called a taxi.. !!! This moves them [1 day, 18:51:41] closer towards level [92].
[04/16/24 02:59:53] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid did a brain surgery !!! This moves them [1 day, 13:09:59] closer towards level [92].
[04/16/24 04:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [868/4467] has challenged SteppenWolf [21/724] in combat and WON! [2 days, 23:12:35] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and SteppenWolf gets [1]XP. SteppenWolf has [91] LIFE left.
[04/17/24 17:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Sauron [1597/2468] has challenged IPv6Bid [2685/4467] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 22:18:33] is added to Sauron clock. Sauron gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Sauron has [76] LIFE left.
[04/17/24 18:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) NightKing [962/1495] has challenged IPv6Bid [3316/4467] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 04:25:41] is added to NightKing clock. NightKing gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. NightKing has [94] LIFE left.
[04/17/24 22:18:28] (RANDOMFIGHT) Gerard [1615/4452] has come upon IPv6Bid [3294/4467] and been defeated in combat! [1 day, 11:41:30] is added to Gerard clock. Gerard gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Gerard has [15] life left.
[04/18/24 05:05:28] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a plate of discounted, day-old sushi !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 22:57:29] from level [92] .
[04/18/24 06:46:12] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid shield was damaged while polishing it IPv6Bid's shield loses [10%] effectiveness.
[04/19/24 23:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Romulus [136/276] has challenged IPv6Bid [3998/4451] in combat and LOST! [13 days, 18:47:18] is added to Romulus clock. Romulus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Romulus has [52] LIFE left.
[04/20/24 00:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Azog [176/280] has challenged IPv6Bid [3228/4451] in combat and LOST! [33 days, 08:40:25] is added to Azog clock. Azog gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Azog has [7] LIFE left.
[04/20/24 02:31:59] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [5 days, 21:53:23] toward level [92].
[04/21/24 00:30:26] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a pair of Nikes !!! This moves them [0 days, 06:52:27] closer towards level [92].
[04/22/24 12:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4044/4451] has challenged Auggie [14827/20974] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 03:25:41] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Auggie gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [15] LIFE left.
[04/22/24 22:45:52] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [0 days, 02:51:21] from level [92].
[04/23/24 11:08:02] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got DDoSed !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 00:51:26] from level [92] .
[04/23/24 15:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2354/4173] has challenged Vasile [7593/30747] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:54:42] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Vasile gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [11] LIFE left.
[04/23/24 22:25:41] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10518/27820] has challenged Raziel [221/268] in combat and WON! [16 days, 10:28:23] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Raziel gets [2]XP. Raziel has [32] LIFE left.
[04/23/24 22:32:19] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/24/24 03:04:39] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [7 days, 20:47:21] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Athena gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[04/24/24 05:08:16] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [42 days, 14:58:20] toward level [93].
[04/24/24 23:44:58] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[04/25/24 16:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [16894/27975] has challenged DarthMaul [130/578] in combat and WON! [2 days, 13:46:36] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and DarthMaul gets [2]XP. DarthMaul has [51] LIFE left.
[04/25/24 20:20:45] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid burned his Hard Disk Drive !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 01:54:08] from level [93] .
[04/26/24 00:11:19] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[04/26/24 00:11:19] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [1 day, 04:06:29] is removed from TTL!
[04/26/24 09:00:43] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 22:23:19] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and ATW gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[04/26/24 11:28:44] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid met up with a mob hitman for not paying his bills !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 19:31:46] from level [93] .
[04/27/24 02:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Tauriel [78/170] has challenged IPv6Bid [19891/25177] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 04:02:36] is added to Tauriel clock. Tauriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Tauriel has [17] LIFE left.
[04/27/24 02:54:42] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[04/27/24 02:54:42] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [3 days, 17:43:36] is removed from TTL!
[04/27/24 16:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uriel [454/556] has challenged IPv6Bid [20535/25177] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 08:32:32] is added to Uriel clock. Uriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Uriel has [76] LIFE left.
[04/27/24 22:39:25] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid owned a N.A.S.A. server and made a better psybnc !!! This moves them [0 days, 05:23:42] closer towards level [93].
[04/28/24 03:24:37] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[04/28/24 03:25:58] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[04/28/24 10:07:58] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [0 days, 11:41:16] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Meladze gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[04/28/24 20:42:14] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ATW [7622/29909] has challenged IPv6Bid [13017/25316] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 16:24:27] is added to ATW clock. ATW gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. ATW has [97] LIFE left.
[04/29/24 17:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hendricks [1489/6010] has challenged IPv6Bid [6298/25316] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 19:04:46] is added to Hendricks clock. Hendricks gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Hendricks has [49] LIFE left.
[04/29/24 19:27:19] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [0 days, 07:34:14] from level [93].
[04/29/24 19:36:46] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[04/30/24 07:26:31] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [20176/24190] has come upon ATW [15212/26066] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 05:26:00] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and ATW gets [1] XP. ATW has [83] life left.
[04/30/24 14:00:10] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 01:02:47] toward level [93].
[04/30/24 22:27:26] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/01/24 00:35:06] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [21564/28181] has challenged Chewbacca [266313/337412] in combat and LOST! [12 days, 11:27:18] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Chewbacca gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[05/01/24 07:14:07] RussBot has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 00:32:22] is removed from TTL. RussBot gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/01/24 08:57:17] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 22 days, 20:59:19 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Leclerc gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/01/24 14:44:18] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [50 days, 12:52:35] from level [94].
[05/01/24 22:39:17] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/03/24 01:15:52] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/03/24 04:46:57] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [86 days, 00:20:02] toward level [94].
[05/03/24 08:44:23] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid saw a naked playmate !!! This moves them [2 days, 10:44:43] closer towards level [94].
[05/04/24 01:29:09] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 14 days, 07:40:43 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and eTools gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/04/24 03:05:16] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/05/24 08:10:35] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/06/24 08:11:18] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/06/24 23:30:48] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got turned INSIDE OUT, practically !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 21:00:05] from level [94] .
[05/07/24 05:12:14] Meladze has won the Power War! As a reward, [2 days, 15:00:04] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[05/07/24 08:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7366/23277] has challenged Azerbaijan [18099/52714] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 02:45:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Azerbaijan gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [81] LIFE left.
[05/07/24 09:21:09] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/07/24 17:50:57] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 04:26:52 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and eTools gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/08/24 11:55:15] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[05/09/24 13:43:51] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/09/24 20:01:37] IPv6Bid has won the Power War! As a reward, [5 days, 06:20:38] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and Saka gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[05/10/24 17:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Elrond [145/336] has challenged IPv6Bid [20032/23118] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 01:02:48] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Elrond has [61] LIFE left.
[05/10/24 19:29:37] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/11/24 02:16:27] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got knifed in a dark alley !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 17:18:26] from level [94] .
[05/11/24 03:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [16370/22588] has challenged ucsc [582/1885] in combat and WON! [1 day, 11:22:37] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and ucsc gets [1]XP. ucsc has [9] LIFE left.
[05/11/24 10:57:22] (RANDOMFIGHT) Palpatine [2/107] has come upon IPv6Bid [5097/22588] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 23:50:11] is added to Palpatine clock. Palpatine gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Palpatine has [9] life left.
[05/11/24 12:06:39] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid amulet was blessed by a passing cleric! IPv6Bid's amulet gains [10%] effectiveness.
[05/11/24 15:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Fernandez [4199/14193] has challenged IPv6Bid [17564/22700] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 15:55:38] is added to Fernandez clock. Fernandez gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Fernandez has [86] LIFE left.
[05/11/24 22:58:30] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [1 day, 07:38:13] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and RussBot gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/12/24 01:18:43] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/12/24 06:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Nasri [1047/1359] has challenged IPv6Bid [3566/20725] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 04:12:46] is added to Nasri clock. Nasri gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Nasri has [16] LIFE left.
[05/12/24 12:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [17754/20725] has challenged Hecate [1298/1411] in combat and WON! [0 days, 12:09:29] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Hecate gets [1]XP. Hecate has [18] LIFE left.
[05/13/24 02:14:31] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/14/24 03:23:29] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/14/24 12:38:12] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [13915/28921] has challenged Chewbacca [219584/344167] in combat and LOST! [12 days, 15:03:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Chewbacca gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[05/15/24 03:24:12] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/15/24 16:52:22] (RANDOMFIGHT) Freyja [423/634] has come upon IPv6Bid [13946/24916] and been defeated in combat! [7 days, 18:06:39] is added to Freyja clock. Freyja gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Freyja has [77] life left.
[05/16/24 04:24:17] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/16/24 11:50:44] Athena has won the Power War! As a reward, [0 days, 04:18:36] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[05/16/24 17:53:00] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [14 days, 04:31:34] toward level [95].
[05/17/24 00:35:18] (RANDOMFIGHT) Elrond [461/507] has come upon IPv6Bid [3591/17704] and been defeated in combat! [1 day, 08:55:59] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Elrond has [92] life left.
[05/17/24 04:56:38] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[05/17/24 19:23:00] bite has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 07:32:52] is removed from TTL. bite gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/17/24 20:40:14] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 18 days, 05:39:29 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and xucs gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/18/24 01:59:36] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [9 days, 17:34:51] toward level [95].
[05/18/24 06:32:39] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[05/18/24 06:32:39] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [12 days, 05:13:11] is removed from TTL!
[05/19/24 07:56:55] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[05/19/24 08:19:57] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid fell into a hole !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [4 days, 03:18:05] from level [95] .
[05/19/24 13:31:22] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was attacked by a rabid cow !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 01:50:33] from level [95] .
[05/19/24 21:11:56] TWO has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 15:05:09 is removed from TTL TWO gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/19/24 21:55:34] bite has won the Champions League! As a reward, [6 days, 11:18:59] is removed from TTL. bite gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/20/24 09:15:02] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[05/20/24 10:01:44] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid shield was damaged while polishing it IPv6Bid's shield loses [10%] effectiveness.
[05/21/24 02:04:17] xucs has won the Power War! As a reward, [6 days, 07:16:46] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[05/21/24 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Reik [427/643] has challenged IPv6Bid [2421/5505] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 00:00:21] is added to Reik clock. Reik gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Reik has [8] LIFE left.
[05/21/24 18:16:23] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [24 days, 10:25:38] toward level [95].
[05/22/24 17:26:09] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [1276/5505] has come upon Jedi [217473/342261] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 13:29:48] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Jedi gets [3] XP. IPv6Bid has [15] life left.
[05/22/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Nirrti [61/347] has challenged IPv6Bid [3366/4346] in combat and LOST! [39 days, 03:42:50] is added to Nirrti clock. Nirrti gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Nirrti has [40] LIFE left.
[05/22/24 23:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2552/4346] has challenged Vasile [16099/28594] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 13:38:22] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Vasile gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [12] LIFE left.
[05/23/24 04:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2337/3476] has challenged TWO [11578/13485] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 16:35:59] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and TWO gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [11] LIFE left.
[05/23/24 07:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2526/3187] has challenged Elrond [39/461] in combat and WON! [3 days, 17:21:48] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Elrond gets [1]XP. Elrond has [86] LIFE left.
[05/24/24 21:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Athena [1190/16573] has challenged IPv6Bid [2731/3187] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 04:43:06] is added to Athena clock. Athena gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Athena has [52] LIFE left.
[05/27/24 00:53:55] Reik, Cerberus, IPv6Bid, Ionutz, Oceanus, and Prometheus - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[05/27/24 02:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Saka [208/1449] has challenged IPv6Bid [5307/28974] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 20:00:06] is added to Saka clock. Saka gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Saka has [10] LIFE left.
[05/27/24 02:25:52] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[05/27/24 02:25:52] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [5 days, 10:08:28] is removed from TTL!
[05/27/24 06:30:51] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [2 days, 21:53:06] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Auggie gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/28/24 04:28:48] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[05/29/24 07:46:35] bite has won the Champions League! As a reward, [8 days, 07:18:56] is removed from TTL. bite gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[05/29/24 08:49:55] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[05/29/24 08:49:55] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 07:58:36] is removed from TTL!
[05/29/24 15:50:45] Ionutz has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 05:33:31 is removed from TTL Ionutz gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[05/29/24 16:15:18] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 04:58:25] toward level [96].
[05/29/24 18:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Ionutz [17342/28000] has challenged IPv6Bid [1990/20281] in combat and WON! [2 days, 08:41:29] is removed from Ionutz clock. Ionutz gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [69] LIFE left.
[05/30/24 00:22:11] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [22242/28974] has challenged Gollum [82105/267382] in combat and LOST! [13 days, 18:56:19] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Gollum gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[05/30/24 10:23:26] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[05/30/24 10:23:26] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [16 days, 22:10:42] is removed from TTL!
[05/31/24 10:33:58] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[05/31/24 10:33:58] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [19 days, 14:08:36] is removed from TTL!
[05/31/24 11:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7871/22889] has challenged Eowyn [114301/311913] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 13:01:10] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Eowyn gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [76] LIFE left.
[05/31/24 11:25:34] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [18 days, 20:38:46] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Athena gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/01/24 08:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [19735/22020] has challenged Azog [471/576] in combat and WON! [11 days, 02:13:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Azog gets [1]XP. Azog has [13] LIFE left.
[06/01/24 11:20:35] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[06/02/24 05:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) pothed [162/699] has challenged IPv6Bid [13634/22020] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 21:44:35] is added to pothed clock. pothed gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. pothed has [88] LIFE left.
[06/02/24 11:34:22] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[06/02/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Chaos [186/532] has challenged IPv6Bid [3204/21440] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:00:00] is added to Chaos clock. Chaos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Chaos has [80] LIFE left.
[06/03/24 13:09:57] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found some weed and smoked it !!! This moves them [1 day, 23:25:01] closer towards level [97].
[06/03/24 15:59:02] Seymour has won the Champions League! As a reward, [11 days, 21:32:32] is removed from TTL. Seymour gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[06/04/24 03:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Auggie [2603/2782] has challenged IPv6Bid [6073/13328] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 05:33:44] is added to Auggie clock. Auggie gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Auggie has [8] LIFE left.
[06/04/24 03:31:13] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/04/24 19:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1621/13351] has challenged Anubis [108215/322410] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 19:22:24] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Anubis gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [43] LIFE left.
[06/05/24 07:31:22] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/05/24 13:05:21] Ionutz has won the Death Match! As a reward, 0 days, 01:35:24 is removed from TTL Ionutz gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and IPv6Bid gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/08/24 09:05:07] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid did a brain surgery !!! This moves them [1 day, 22:13:07] closer towards level [97].
[06/11/24 05:43:22] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [10 days, 02:51:22] toward level [97].
[06/11/24 23:55:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uranus [435/3074] has challenged IPv6Bid [2103/4652] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 02:58:03] is added to Uranus clock. Uranus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Uranus has [99] LIFE left.
[06/13/24 16:59:43] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got harassed by peer !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 21:43:21] from level [97] .
[06/21/24 09:08:46] Tauriel, BestHost, IPv6Bid, Elrond, Thor, and Haaland have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[06/21/24 12:08:18] Russell has won the Power War! As a reward, [2 days, 07:26:26] is removed from TTL, gets [10] gems, [20] XP, their items gets [10] points stronger and IPv6Bid gets [5] gems and [10] XP.
[06/21/24 15:53:22] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[06/22/24 16:00:46] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[06/23/24 02:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [15739/24133] has challenged NightKing [904/1049] in combat and WON! [2 days, 15:15:26] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and NightKing gets [2]XP. NightKing has [65] LIFE left.
[06/23/24 03:45:43] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 4 days, 08:29:18 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Leclerc gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/23/24 18:14:52] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[06/23/24 18:14:52] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [3 days, 00:58:58] is removed from TTL!
[06/23/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [12269/24133] has challenged Prometheus [166/174] in combat and WON! [0 days, 14:05:56] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Prometheus gets [1]XP. Prometheus has [10] LIFE left.
[06/24/24 13:21:48] Hypnos, Chaos, Ionut, Auggie, IPv6Bid, and Tudor have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[06/24/24 18:35:28] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[06/25/24 19:08:35] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[06/25/24 19:08:35] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [0 days, 00:35:34] is removed from TTL!
[06/25/24 19:24:08] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 00:30:00] toward level [97].
[06/25/24 20:19:50] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [20655/29077] has challenged Meladze [1780/1813] in combat and WON! [19 days, 04:19:14] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Meladze gets [1]XP. Meladze has [10] LIFE left.
[06/26/24 08:17:40] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 30 days, 09:20:46 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Odin gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/26/24 20:55:59] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/27/24 20:59:21] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/28/24 08:28:28] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 15 days, 04:09:52 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and TWO gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[06/28/24 21:36:25] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[06/28/24 22:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DRAGON [149/241] has challenged IPv6Bid [27154/29231] in combat and LOST! [39 days, 04:17:05] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. DRAGON has [27] LIFE left.
[06/30/24 03:12:56] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[06/30/24 03:50:24] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid left their weapon out in the rain to rust! IPv6Bid's weapon loses [10%] effectiveness.
[06/30/24 09:48:59] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid boots were shined! IPv6Bid's boots gains [10%] effectiveness.
[07/01/24 03:36:06] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[07/01/24 06:50:20] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid had the gem in their ring reset! IPv6Bid's ring gains [10%] effectiveness.
[07/01/24 07:39:38] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid leggings were dry cleaned...finally! IPv6Bid's leggings gains [10%] effectiveness.
[07/01/24 14:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [24425/25366] has challenged Sauron [184/611] in combat and WON! [3 days, 09:02:23] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Sauron gets [1]XP. Sauron has [15] LIFE left.
[07/01/24 19:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) ucsc [346/3669] has challenged IPv6Bid [7809/25366] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:23:31] is added to ucsc clock. ucsc gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. ucsc has [13] LIFE left.
[07/02/24 04:27:35] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/02/24 09:11:09] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 1 day, 09:32:51 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Musiala gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/02/24 10:25:02] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [4 days, 01:16:18] toward level [98].
[07/03/24 00:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [7633/25410] has challenged Hathor [47265/91838] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 23:54:03] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Hathor gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [87] LIFE left.
[07/03/24 06:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Raziel [219/854] has challenged IPv6Bid [7478/25122] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 21:43:16] is added to Raziel clock. Raziel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Raziel has [88] LIFE left.
[07/03/24 07:04:44] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[07/04/24 10:41:47] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/04/24 14:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Athena [6214/25346] has challenged IPv6Bid [13160/23720] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 06:52:20] is added to Athena clock. Athena gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Athena has [79] LIFE left.
[07/05/24 05:43:09] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 2 days, 08:59:30 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Auggie gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/05/24 09:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1179/23720] has challenged Tudor [1576/2830] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 09:00:08] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Tudor gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [80] LIFE left.
[07/05/24 10:54:12] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/06/24 12:31:21] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[07/06/24 13:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [20403/23183] has challenged Demeter [2809/155095] in combat and WON! [0 days, 15:04:32] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4]XP and Demeter gets [2]XP. Demeter has [98] LIFE left.
[07/06/24 20:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Seymour [8117/12462] has challenged IPv6Bid [21132/23183] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 12:31:55] is added to Seymour clock. Seymour gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Seymour has [89] LIFE left.
[07/07/24 01:24:37] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [18559/23183] has come upon Prometheus [163/174] and taken them in combat! [0 days, 04:19:35] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Prometheus gets [1] XP. Prometheus has [10] life left.
[07/07/24 05:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Rashford [2982/3390] has challenged IPv6Bid [7175/23183] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 09:43:18] is added to Rashford clock. Rashford gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Rashford has [28] LIFE left.
[07/07/24 09:44:44] IPv6Bid has won the Champions League! As a reward, [0 days, 03:32:17] is removed from TTL. IPv6Bid gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and Seymour gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[07/07/24 15:23:57] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/07/24 15:33:37] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid upgraded his mIRC client !!! This moves them [0 days, 00:02:43] closer towards level [98].
[07/07/24 16:16:15] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1608/29031] has challenged Athena [12401/22252] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 11:07:39] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Athena gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[07/08/24 15:56:26] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[07/09/24 10:46:45] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 22 days, 12:16:00 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and ATW gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/09/24 16:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [20351/28740] has challenged Medusa [342/387] in combat and WON! [15 days, 18:44:01] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Medusa gets [2]XP. Medusa has [8] LIFE left.
[07/09/24 19:19:01] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/10/24 19:20:02] IPv6Bid has won the Wizard Battle! As a reward, manual fights are reset to [0] for their current level and the time for attack and slay are also reset. Good luck IPv6Bid!
[07/10/24 20:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [24275/28209] has challenged Palpatine [175/335] in combat and WON! [11 days, 01:23:04] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Palpatine gets [1]XP. Palpatine has [33] LIFE left.
[07/11/24 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) tcl [422/1083] has challenged IPv6Bid [13215/28209] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 16:57:16] is added to tcl clock. tcl gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. tcl has [75] LIFE left.
[07/12/24 00:41:31] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[07/13/24 01:28:03] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/13/24 04:00:50] IPv6Bid has won the Death Match! As a reward, 13 days, 21:21:49 is removed from TTL IPv6Bid gets [30] gems, [30] XP and [3000] gold and Fernandez gets [10] gems, [10] XP and [1000] gold..
[07/14/24 01:30:04] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[07/14/24 01:30:04] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [13 days, 05:01:37] is removed from TTL!
[07/15/24 01:30:49] IPv6Bid has won the Top Players Battle! As a reward, IPv6Bid gets [500] GOLD, [10] XP and [5] points added to each item!
[07/15/24 03:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Freyja [397/686] has challenged IPv6Bid [4983/22472] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 19:39:59] is added to Freyja clock. Freyja gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Freyja has [82] LIFE left.
[07/15/24 06:44:46] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found an exploit in the IRPG code !!! This moves them [1 day, 13:25:27] closer towards level [99].
[07/15/24 18:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [15428/19553] has challenged Erebus [34865/109273] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 00:50:03] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Erebus gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [63] LIFE left.
[07/16/24 04:34:14] IPv6Bid has won the Neutral Battle! IPv6Bid received [250] GOLD, [5] GEMS and [10]XP.
[07/17/24 05:08:10] IPv6Bid has won the Work Battle!
[07/17/24 05:08:10] IPv6Bid received [2] days of wages [1440] gold and [6 days, 01:53:00] is removed from TTL!
[07/17/24 08:31:57] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [2 days, 01:23:45] toward level [99].
[07/18/24 00:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Amon [43/279] has challenged IPv6Bid [7917/9631] in combat and LOST! [NA (-36)] is added to Amon clock. Amon gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Amon has [16] LIFE left.
[07/18/24 04:56:03] Meladze has won the Champions League! As a reward, [35 days, 08:57:34] is removed from TTL. Meladze gets [15] GEMS, [40] XP and [2000] GOLD ,and IPv6Bid gets [5] GEMS , [5] XP and [500] GOLD
[07/18/24 10:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) blackwidow [69/231] has challenged IPv6Bid [2230/6128] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 04:33:13] is added to blackwidow clock. blackwidow gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. blackwidow has [10] LIFE left.
[07/18/24 15:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [4665/5545] has challenged Azog [3709/3952] in combat and WON! [0 days, 23:07:27] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Azog gets [2]XP. Azog has [86] LIFE left.
[07/18/24 19:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [1045/5545] has challenged Gheorghe [5546/31607] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 12:26:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Gheorghe gets [4]XP. IPv6Bid has [17] LIFE left.
[07/18/24 23:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Amon [167/181] has challenged IPv6Bid [1511/4961] in combat and LOST! [NA (-46)] is added to Amon clock. Amon gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Amon has [11] LIFE left.
[07/19/24 18:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) TWO [6392/9843] has challenged IPv6Bid [1818/4961] in combat and WON! [5 days, 20:39:49] is removed from TWO clock. TWO gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [13] LIFE left.
[07/21/24 12:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hestia [15/136] has challenged IPv6Bid [3567/3794] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 12:47:12] is added to Hestia clock. Hestia gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Hestia has [10] LIFE left.
[07/22/24 05:09:21] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid has fallen ill with the black plague !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 00:52:37] from level [99] .
[07/22/24 10:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [55/3794] has challenged eTools [24622/30439] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:29:25] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and eTools gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [10] LIFE left.
[07/22/24 22:08:23] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [21220/29327] has challenged NimbleX [25883/43913] in combat and LOST! [12 days, 11:39:04] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and NimbleX gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[07/24/24 04:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Leia [90/136] has challenged IPv6Bid [20685/28153] in combat and LOST! [21 days, 06:16:33] is added to Leia clock. Leia gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Leia has [9] LIFE left.
[07/24/24 09:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) nbwzrd [323/414] has challenged IPv6Bid [1685/28153] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 01:40:38] is added to nbwzrd clock. nbwzrd gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. nbwzrd has [49] LIFE left.
[07/26/24 04:23:49] (RANDOMFIGHT) Achilles [145/613] has come upon IPv6Bid [13524/28153] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 02:55:35] is added to Achilles clock. Achilles gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Achilles has [75] life left.
[07/28/24 17:38:37] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid scratched their ring! IPv6Bid's ring loses [10%] effectiveness.
[07/30/24 07:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HYDRA [23/55] has challenged IPv6Bid [9930/28030] in combat and LOST! [NA (-536)] is added to HYDRA clock. HYDRA gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. HYDRA has [8] LIFE left.
[07/30/24 08:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) SkyWalker [502/918] has challenged IPv6Bid [1014/28030] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 16:07:30] is added to SkyWalker clock. SkyWalker gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. SkyWalker has [74] LIFE left.
[07/30/24 18:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) BestHost [458/4333] has challenged IPv6Bid [22776/28030] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 18:46:46] is added to BestHost clock. BestHost gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. BestHost has [83] LIFE left.
[08/01/24 12:12:50] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid amulet was blessed by a passing cleric! IPv6Bid's amulet gains [10%] effectiveness.
[08/01/24 17:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Prometheus [280/1077] has challenged IPv6Bid [11749/28213] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:31:50] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Prometheus has [58] LIFE left.
[08/05/24 03:01:18] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [23161/28213] has come upon ZeuS [49612/204790] and been defeated in combat! [14 days, 07:39:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and ZeuS gets [2] XP. IPv6Bid has [94] life left.
[08/06/24 10:35:33] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid invented the wheel !!! This moves them [9 days, 05:23:36] closer towards level [100].
[08/07/24 05:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hercules [206/225] has challenged IPv6Bid [26797/27625] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 11:17:38] is added to Hercules clock. Hercules gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hercules has [12] LIFE left.
[08/09/24 00:45:50] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [38 days, 23:50:07] toward level [100].
[08/09/24 06:50:45] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [12807/27625] has come upon Bellingham [11785/13060] and taken them in combat! [11 days, 07:34:39] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP and Bellingham gets [1] XP. Bellingham has [87] life left.
[08/09/24 12:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uriel [37/142] has challenged IPv6Bid [10758/27625] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 23:33:35] is added to Uriel clock. Uriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Uriel has [8] LIFE left.
[08/12/24 05:02:30] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly !!! This moves them [4 days, 11:07:13] closer towards level [100].
[08/12/24 05:35:48] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [8 days, 12:05:55] toward level [100].
[08/13/24 09:10:36] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [6 days, 19:55:14] toward level [100].
[08/14/24 07:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hermers [223/296] has challenged IPv6Bid [4447/27625] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 21:35:03] is added to Hermers clock. Hermers gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Hermers has [18] LIFE left.
[08/14/24 20:03:03] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [13578/27625] has come upon Freyja [70/86] and taken them in combat! [2 days, 17:57:38] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Freyja gets [1] XP. Freyja has [10] life left.
[08/16/24 15:31:51] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid fell into a hole !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [1 day, 06:50:27] from level [100] .
[08/16/24 18:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Cerberus [621/893] has challenged IPv6Bid [21737/27625] in combat and LOST! [NA (-773)] is added to Cerberus clock. Cerberus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Cerberus has [71] LIFE left.
[08/18/24 01:28:20] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [500/27625] has come upon Legolas [23577/192236] and been defeated in combat! [1 day, 16:37:30] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and Legolas gets [1] XP. IPv6Bid has [90] life left.
[08/18/24 17:07:13] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got to a forked road with markers pointing wrong directions !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 16:43:59] from level [100] .
[08/20/24 13:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Medusa [2706/3044] has challenged IPv6Bid [3535/26450] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 09:46:17] is added to Medusa clock. Medusa gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Medusa has [82] LIFE left.
[08/22/24 21:50:43] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [0 days, 21:26:17] closer towards level [100].
[08/23/24 02:44:48] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a one-time-use spell of quickness !!! This moves them [0 days, 18:32:27] closer towards level [100].
[08/23/24 19:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Thranduil [166/170] has challenged IPv6Bid [12285/26450] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 00:00:00] is added to Thranduil clock. Thranduil gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Thranduil has [14] LIFE left.
[08/25/24 02:36:16] (GODSEND) The local wizard imbued IPv6Bid gloves with dragon claw powder! IPv6Bid gloves gains [10%] effectiveness.
[08/25/24 05:48:31] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [0 days, 07:54:57] from level [100].
[08/29/24 21:09:52] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid stopped using dial-up !!! This moves them [0 days, 03:35:31] closer towards level [100].
[08/31/24 14:28:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3667/29647] has challenged Bastet [112601/326554] in combat and LOST! [14 days, 10:17:55] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Bastet gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[09/02/24 06:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Galadriel [2359/10700] has challenged IPv6Bid [28985/29054] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 14:32:06] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Galadriel has [84] LIFE left.
[09/02/24 11:44:06] ucsc, Prometheus, Vasile, Sam, IPv6Bid, and PiTBuLL have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[09/03/24 10:44:43] Medusa, bite, Centaur, Frodo, IPv6Bid, and Aragorn - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[09/05/24 02:46:39] (RANDOMFIGHT) Galadriel [5420/6227] has come upon IPv6Bid [9093/29647] and been defeated in combat! [1 day, 01:14:36] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Galadriel has [49] life left.
[09/07/24 02:14:42] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [26533/29647] has come upon PiTBuLL [3367/5326] and taken them in combat! [11 days, 05:44:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and PiTBuLL gets [1] XP. PiTBuLL has [64] life left.
[09/08/24 01:06:50] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [17 days, 08:35:43] toward level [102].
[09/09/24 01:38:00] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [2 days, 18:05:36] toward level [102].
[09/09/24 03:34:33] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [6965/29647] has come upon Chaos [10/56] and taken them in combat! [3 days, 10:03:58] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Chaos gets [2] XP. Chaos has [9] life left.
[09/10/24 09:46:40] (RANDOMFIGHT) Elrond [1/83] has come upon IPv6Bid [26420/29647] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 04:42:50] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Elrond has [10] life left.
[09/11/24 21:00:17] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HYDRA [254/633] has challenged IPv6Bid [26375/29647] in combat and LOST! [NA (-819)] is added to HYDRA clock. HYDRA gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. HYDRA has [83] LIFE left.
[09/15/24 19:10:08] (RANDOMFIGHT) Reik [5690/9045] has come upon IPv6Bid [14067/29647] and been defeated in combat! [6 days, 04:07:00] is added to Reik clock. Reik gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Reik has [93] life left.
[09/17/24 18:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Achilles [43/85] has challenged IPv6Bid [29161/29647] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 15:10:14] is added to Achilles clock. Achilles gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Achilles has [8] LIFE left.
[09/21/24 07:07:05] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [2 days, 18:02:34] toward level [102].
[09/23/24 05:00:43] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [2465/29754] has challenged Haaland [7707/19282] in combat and LOST! [13 days, 19:51:17] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Haaland gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[09/25/24 17:39:55] (RANDOM-FIGHT) xanax [25/45] has challenged IPv6Bid [22924/29158] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 01:17:00] is added to xanax clock. xanax gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. xanax has [96] LIFE left.
[09/25/24 19:09:56] Chaos, Reik, IPv6Bid, Bellingham, Oceanus, and Arwen have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[09/27/24 04:18:30] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [27697/29921] has come upon Hestia [0/144] and taken them in combat! [14 days, 11:23:51] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP and Hestia gets [2] XP. Hestia has [9] life left.
[09/27/24 21:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Galadriel [241/3978] has challenged IPv6Bid [17950/29921] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 22:00:14] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Galadriel has [28] LIFE left.
[09/28/24 07:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hephaistos [130/133] has challenged IPv6Bid [8518/29921] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 03:17:12] is added to Hephaistos clock. Hephaistos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hephaistos has [9] LIFE left.
[09/29/24 14:07:31] (GODSEND) The blacksmith added an MP3 player to IPv6Bid helm! IPv6Bid's helm gains [10%] effectiveness.
[09/30/24 09:43:55] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [23 days, 09:26:05] toward level [103].
[09/30/24 14:25:54] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid upgraded his mIRC client !!! This moves them [3 days, 03:22:14] closer towards level [103].
[10/03/24 03:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Elrond [1052/1120] has challenged IPv6Bid [15473/30041] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 03:37:38] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Elrond has [96] LIFE left.
[10/05/24 16:29:27] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [15 days, 23:17:42] toward level [103].
[10/05/24 23:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Haldir [112/412] has challenged IPv6Bid [11860/30041] in combat and LOST! [416 days, 17:59:23] is added to Haldir clock. Haldir gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Haldir has [29] LIFE left.
[10/08/24 10:53:35] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [4 days, 02:40:13] toward level [103].
[10/08/24 20:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Galadriel [138/898] has challenged IPv6Bid [9510/30041] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 21:41:33] is added to Galadriel clock. Galadriel gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Galadriel has [7] LIFE left.
[10/10/24 15:33:57] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [1 day, 15:08:03] toward level [103].
[10/17/24 07:13:09] RussBot, Freyja, Auggie, Hecate, blackwidow, and IPv6Bid - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[10/17/24 11:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Saka [1058/1454] has challenged IPv6Bid [27594/30041] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 18:47:35] is added to Saka clock. Saka gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Saka has [10] LIFE left.
[10/17/24 18:38:58] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [3161/30041] has challenged Demeter [5422/155860] in combat and LOST! [16 days, 00:15:44] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1]XP and Demeter gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[10/19/24 05:57:42] (RANDOM-FIGHT) PiTBuLL [3823/8399] has challenged IPv6Bid [14212/29440] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 05:24:40] is added to PiTBuLL clock. PiTBuLL gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. PiTBuLL has [99] LIFE left.
[10/19/24 09:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Thorin [373/1233] has challenged IPv6Bid [2053/29440] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 20:43:17] is added to Thorin clock. Thorin gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Thorin has [94] LIFE left.
[10/19/24 22:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Bellingham [1664/2084] has challenged IPv6Bid [1664/29440] in combat and WON! [8 days, 20:47:26] is removed from Bellingham clock. Bellingham gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [96] LIFE left.
[10/21/24 21:33:29] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [57 days, 06:41:20] toward level [105].
[10/22/24 12:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Azog [3444/3568] has challenged IPv6Bid [5327/28839] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 02:19:56] is added to Azog clock. Azog gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Azog has [72] LIFE left.
[10/24/24 16:50:57] (RANDOMFIGHT) ucsc [19192/20744] has come upon IPv6Bid [27978/28839] and been defeated in combat! [4 days, 21:20:04] is added to ucsc clock. ucsc gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. ucsc has [95] life left.
[10/25/24 19:49:56] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid was bitten by drdink !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [3 days, 14:13:26] from level [105] .
[10/26/24 12:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hermers [33/226] has challenged IPv6Bid [5772/28839] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 21:15:18] is added to Hermers clock. Hermers gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hermers has [9] LIFE left.
[10/27/24 07:56:11] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [15 days, 23:29:35] toward level [105].
[10/27/24 13:59:28] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [22410/28839] has come upon Uriel [31/144] and taken them in combat! [6 days, 11:03:30] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP and Uriel gets [1] XP. Uriel has [8] life left.
[10/29/24 23:09:09] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [5810/28839] has come upon Nasri [3938/9432] and taken them in combat! [5 days, 01:11:14] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP and Nasri gets [1] XP. Nasri has [93] life left.
[10/31/24 05:19:57] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [24005/30041] has attacked a Bat [1349/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 18:46:36 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[10/31/24 11:26:02] (RANDOM-FIGHT) NimbleX [1133/45657] has challenged IPv6Bid [28675/30041] in combat and LOST! [13 days, 14:31:52] is added to NimbleX clock. NimbleX gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. NimbleX has [97] LIFE left.
[11/03/24 09:08:47] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [2 days, 10:47:17] toward level [105].
[11/05/24 11:04:44] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [3 days, 23:53:05] from level [105].
[11/05/24 21:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) BestHost [4412/4851] has challenged IPv6Bid [22716/30041] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 06:08:57] is added to BestHost clock. BestHost gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. BestHost has [58] LIFE left.
[11/08/24 17:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) fritzl [282/334] has challenged IPv6Bid [18733/30041] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 00:04:26] is added to fritzl clock. fritzl gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. fritzl has [84] LIFE left.
[11/10/24 07:11:00] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid spilled a level 10 shrinking potion on their tunic! IPv6Bid's tunic loses [10%] effectiveness.
[11/13/24 14:59:16] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid took his vitamins !!! This moves them [0 days, 08:32:37] closer towards level [105].
[11/14/24 00:55:15] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid ate a very disagreeable fruit, getting a terrible case of heartburn !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 05:16:20] from level [105] .
[11/16/24 12:18:25] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [10452/29504] has challenged SkyWalker [127/167] in combat and WON! [19 days, 00:52:24] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and SkyWalker gets [2]XP. SkyWalker has [9] LIFE left.
[11/17/24 01:30:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [1704/29504] has attacked a Bat [1185/2000] and killed it! 3 days, 18:42:53 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/17/24 08:08:13] Seymour, Azrael, Vasile, IPv6Bid, PiTBuLL, and Ionutz - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[11/20/24 11:11:02] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [21140/29629] has attacked a Bat [144/2000] and killed it! 2 days, 12:37:59 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[11/22/24 02:03:15] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid owned a N.A.S.A. server and made a better psybnc !!! This moves them [3 days, 18:22:13] closer towards level [107].
[11/22/24 12:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Chronos [653/1366] has challenged IPv6Bid [7178/29629] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 01:34:18] is added to Chronos clock. Chronos gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Chronos has [59] LIFE left.
[11/24/24 04:58:04] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [9 days, 01:26:10] toward level [107].
[11/24/24 10:58:44] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [17 days, 12:41:39] toward level [107].
[11/25/24 10:18:53] (RANDOMFIGHT) DRAGON [46/192] has come upon IPv6Bid [20937/29629] and been defeated in combat! [0 days, 15:09:15] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. DRAGON has [9] life left.
[11/28/24 21:19:01] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [7 days, 01:37:36] toward level [107].
[11/29/24 12:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [64/108] has challenged IPv6Bid [20412/29629] in combat and LOST! [15 days, 11:41:21] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hypnos has [9] LIFE left.
[11/30/24 05:34:14] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [11204/29629] has attacked a Roach [297/500] and killed it! 0 days, 02:33:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[11/30/24 07:26:39] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [18532/29629] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1121/5000] and WON! [0 days, 01:10:17] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [9] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/01/24 01:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Prometheus [375/487] has challenged IPv6Bid [7544/29650] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 10:28:05] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Prometheus has [17] LIFE left.
[12/01/24 03:33:14] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [0 days, 09:58:27] toward level [107].
[12/01/24 09:52:05] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Rashford [11820/12710] has challenged IPv6Bid [3740/29650] in combat and WON! [23 days, 16:58:30] is removed from Rashford clock. Rashford gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[12/01/24 09:52:05] Rashford has dealt IPv6Bid a Critical Strike! [0 days, 01:23:34] is added to IPv6Bid clock.
[12/01/24 20:32:48] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [5952/29825] has challenged Uriel [120/150] in combat and WON! [20 days, 09:47:49] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Uriel gets [1]XP. Uriel has [8] LIFE left.
[12/02/24 19:39:59] (RANDOM-FIGHT) RussBot [12845/3529323] has challenged IPv6Bid [12103/29825] in combat and WON! [37 days, 05:27:18] is removed from RussBot clock. RussBot gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[12/05/24 07:32:50] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid found a pair of Nikes !!! This moves them [4 days, 09:57:05] closer towards level [108].
[12/06/24 14:07:10] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly !!! This moves them [6 days, 02:38:25] closer towards level [108].
[12/07/24 07:30:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4228/29825] has attacked a Roach [355/500] and killed it! 3 days, 01:15:56 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[12/07/24 07:57:56] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [14272/29825] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1709/5000] and WON! [1 day, 10:47:22] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/08/24 07:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) PiTBuLL [1778/6703] has challenged IPv6Bid [22764/29847] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 10:11:49] is added to PiTBuLL clock. PiTBuLL gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. PiTBuLL has [67] LIFE left.
[12/09/24 23:45:08] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Legolas [145714/205105] has challenged IPv6Bid [20889/29847] in combat and WON! [30 days, 04:58:31] is removed from Legolas clock. Legolas gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[12/12/24 03:11:23] Seymour, Arwen, SkyWalker, IPv6Bid, Gerard, and Hendricks have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[12/13/24 07:46:41] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid burned a hole through their leggings while ironing! IPv6Bid's leggings loses [10%] effectiveness.
[12/13/24 10:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) SkyWalker [738/1227] has challenged IPv6Bid [23353/29697] in combat and LOST! [24 days, 13:25:22] is added to SkyWalker clock. SkyWalker gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. SkyWalker has [78] LIFE left.
[12/14/24 10:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) PiTBuLL [347/4043] has challenged IPv6Bid [94/29697] in combat and WON! [10 days, 23:24:26] is removed from PiTBuLL clock. PiTBuLL gets [3]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [97] LIFE left.
[12/14/24 10:06:28] PiTBuLL has dealt IPv6Bid a Critical Strike! [1 day, 19:48:46] is added to IPv6Bid clock.
[12/14/24 22:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Centaur [157/345] has challenged IPv6Bid [26095/28806] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 06:03:42] is added to Centaur clock. Centaur gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Centaur has [13] LIFE left.
[12/15/24 02:46:40] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [21016/29697] has attacked a Roach [83/500] and killed it! 1 day, 21:10:12 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 3 XP.
[12/15/24 03:12:11] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [10256/29697] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [873/5000] and WON! [0 days, 21:26:42] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [7] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/15/24 04:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [11161/29717] has challenged Reik [8234/9284] in combat and WON! [25 days, 12:39:18] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3]XP and Reik gets [1]XP. Reik has [92] LIFE left.
[12/15/24 21:18:16] (RANDOMFIGHT) Tudor [4244/5971] has come upon IPv6Bid [26173/29717] and been defeated in combat! [2 days, 22:13:23] is added to Tudor clock. Tudor gets [1] XP and IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Tudor has [94] life left.
[12/17/24 00:58:44] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [46 days, 00:10:47] toward level [109].
[12/17/24 12:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hyperion [155/190] has challenged IPv6Bid [29074/29717] in combat and LOST! [23 days, 09:01:40] is added to Hyperion clock. Hyperion gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Hyperion has [9] LIFE left.
[12/17/24 17:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) tcl [465/1767] has challenged IPv6Bid [1285/29717] in combat and LOST! [516 days, 07:55:38] is added to tcl clock. tcl gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. tcl has [96] LIFE left.
[12/17/24 20:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hermers [228/330] has challenged IPv6Bid [28023/29717] in combat and LOST! [15 days, 19:12:39] is added to Hermers clock. Hermers gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Hermers has [14] LIFE left.
[12/19/24 00:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Centaur [185/1461] has challenged IPv6Bid [5642/29717] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 18:37:37] is added to Centaur clock. Centaur gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Centaur has [68] LIFE left.
[12/19/24 11:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Centaur [961/1116] has challenged IPv6Bid [1380/29717] in combat and LOST! [14 days, 03:21:19] is added to Centaur clock. Centaur gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Centaur has [52] LIFE left.
[12/19/24 15:49:51] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid slipped and dropped their charm in a dirty bog! IPv6Bid's charm loses [10%] effectiveness.
[12/20/24 12:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Raziel [4/183] has challenged IPv6Bid [9692/29111] in combat and LOST! [10 days, 18:03:08] is added to Raziel clock. Raziel gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Raziel has [10] LIFE left.
[12/21/24 02:54:36] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [4327/29111] has attacked a Roach [59/500] and killed it! 1 day, 00:49:52 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[12/21/24 03:11:05] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [9274/29111] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1339/5000] and WON! [0 days, 11:47:16] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/21/24 21:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hecate [1177/9991] has challenged IPv6Bid [360/29131] in combat and WON! [10 days, 22:39:53] is removed from Hecate clock. Hecate gets [4]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. IPv6Bid has [99] LIFE left.
[12/24/24 03:15:55] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [18858/29131] has attacked a Roach [134/500] and killed it! 0 days, 10:00:51 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/24/24 08:12:24] (EVIL-HOG) Lucifer consumed IPv6Bid with fire, adding [4 days, 04:04:42] from level [109].
[12/25/24 06:09:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [7605/29241] has attacked a Bat [957/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 13:10:22 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[12/26/24 06:46:13] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [25698/29241] has attacked a Wolf [542/3000] and killed it! 0 days, 11:17:00 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[12/26/24 07:12:20] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [27932/29241] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [95/5000] and WON! [0 days, 05:20:55] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [4] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/26/24 11:25:10] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid got Covid-19! !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [0 days, 12:15:48] from level [109] .
[12/26/24 11:45:33] Meladze, Arwen, Azrael, IPv6Bid, Athena, and Imhotep have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [25%] of their burden is eliminated, [100] XP & LIFE and they have a chance to find some loot each. (QUEST-ENDED)
[12/27/24 02:40:53] (SLAY-DRAGON) IPv6Bid [7760/29388] tried to slay a Blue_Dragon [1410/5000] and WON! [0 days, 03:40:58] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2] XP. Each item gains [2] points.
[12/28/24 05:28:19] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [29200/29542] has attacked a Bat [824/2000] and killed it! 0 days, 05:50:31 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 5 XP.
[01/01/25 04:08:47] Gollum, Bellingham, NimbleX, IPv6Bid, Galadriel, and RussBot - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[01/01/25 14:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Prometheus [32/638] has challenged IPv6Bid [5437/29728] in combat and LOST! [5 days, 15:42:25] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Prometheus has [21] LIFE left.
[01/01/25 16:23:20] (RANDOM-FIGHT) IPv6Bid [18279/29871] has challenged Hades [341248/379880] in combat and LOST! [16 days, 00:41:54] is added to IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [2]XP and Hades gets [3]XP. IPv6Bid has [98] LIFE left.
[01/03/25 07:34:54] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid did a brain surgery !!! This moves them [8 days, 00:29:27] closer towards level [111].
[01/03/25 21:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Elrond [102/196] has challenged IPv6Bid [22700/29871] in combat and LOST! [54 days, 13:26:58] is added to Elrond clock. Elrond gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Elrond has [8] LIFE left.
[01/06/25 01:16:02] (RANDOMFIGHT) Tudor [2798/5870] has come upon IPv6Bid [5641/29871] and been defeated in combat! [14 days, 23:49:42] is added to Tudor clock. Tudor gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [3] XP. Tudor has [95] life left.
[01/06/25 16:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) AMNeSia [37/74] has challenged IPv6Bid [17013/29871] in combat and LOST! [4 days, 00:36:55] is added to AMNeSia clock. AMNeSia gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. AMNeSia has [33] LIFE left.
[01/07/25 10:21:51] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid called a taxi.. !!! This moves them [12 days, 07:01:54] closer towards level [111].
[01/08/25 14:37:59] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid lost his glasses !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [4 days, 10:45:53] from level [111] .
[01/08/25 20:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Nirrti [83/401] has challenged IPv6Bid [10930/29871] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 07:49:05] is added to Nirrti clock. Nirrti gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Nirrti has [13] LIFE left.
[01/10/25 17:37:05] (RANDOMFIGHT) IPv6Bid [11924/29871] has come upon xanax [66/666] and taken them in combat! [10 days, 22:55:45] is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets [1] XP and xanax gets [2] XP. xanax has [8] life left.
[01/11/25 13:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uriel [1036/1790] has challenged IPv6Bid [25125/29871] in combat and LOST! [79 days, 20:29:17] is added to Uriel clock. Uriel gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Uriel has [76] LIFE left.
[01/13/25 06:51:43] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [3 days, 21:20:42] toward level [111].
[01/16/25 19:34:49] Hendricks, Gerard, ZeuS, IPv6Bid, Gandalf, and Meladze - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[01/17/25 08:06:55] (CALAMITY) IPv6Bid walked face-first into a tree !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [6 days, 06:29:29] from level [112] .
[01/18/25 19:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) DRAGON [261/405] has challenged IPv6Bid [17104/29871] in combat and LOST! [2 days, 21:28:05] is added to DRAGON clock. DRAGON gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. DRAGON has [14] LIFE left.
[01/18/25 22:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) xanax [420/666] has challenged IPv6Bid [5960/29871] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 03:40:36] is added to xanax clock. xanax gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. xanax has [8] LIFE left.
[01/19/25 02:06:27] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Prometheus [217/250] has challenged IPv6Bid [22778/29871] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 00:22:13] is added to Prometheus clock. Prometheus gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [1]XP. Prometheus has [9] LIFE left.
[01/21/25 01:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hercules [1661/2086] has challenged IPv6Bid [18513/29871] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 04:25:30] is added to Hercules clock. Hercules gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [2]XP. Hercules has [84] LIFE left.
[01/21/25 15:49:52] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [11 days, 09:28:50] toward level [112].
[01/21/25 19:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Medusa [4900/5013] has challenged IPv6Bid [7223/29871] in combat and LOST! [6 days, 15:07:50] is added to Medusa clock. Medusa gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Medusa has [85] LIFE left.
[01/22/25 03:02:26] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid sharpened his ninja blade !!! This moves them [3 days, 19:35:02] closer towards level [112].
[01/22/25 08:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) BestHost [5847/8358] has challenged IPv6Bid [23613/29871] in combat and LOST! [9 days, 06:08:15] is added to BestHost clock. BestHost gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. BestHost has [90] LIFE left.
[01/22/25 09:41:17] Ionutz, fritzl, Raziel, IPv6Bid, Saruman, and Gollum - (QUEST-ENDED) - have blessed the realm by completing their quest! [+1] LEVEL, [100] LIFE & XP, [25%] of their burden is eliminated and they have a chance to find some loot each.
[01/22/25 16:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hermers [213/272] has challenged IPv6Bid [17695/29871] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 09:23:27] is added to Hermers clock. Hermers gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Hermers has [11] LIFE left.
[01/23/25 00:19:12] (GOOD-HOG) The Hand of God carried IPv6Bid [4 days, 11:58:58] toward level [113].
[01/23/25 20:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) SteppenWolf [73/191] has challenged IPv6Bid [29050/29871] in combat and LOST! [1934 days, 23:24:10] is added to SteppenWolf clock. SteppenWolf gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. SteppenWolf has [10] LIFE left.
[01/25/25 07:26:52] (RANDOMFIGHT) Odin [303/18572] has come upon IPv6Bid [24455/29871] and been defeated in combat! [3 days, 03:37:29] is added to Odin clock. Odin gets [2] XP and IPv6Bid gets [1] XP. Odin has [92] life left.
[01/26/25 04:38:16] (ATTACK-CREEP) IPv6Bid [3037/29871] has attacked a Wolf [1162/3000] and killed it! 1 day, 00:42:57 is removed from IPv6Bid clock. IPv6Bid gets 4 XP.
[01/27/25 02:06:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hecate [3983/7730] has challenged IPv6Bid [5003/29871] in combat and LOST! [1 day, 07:30:54] is added to Hecate clock. Hecate gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [4]XP. Hecate has [68] LIFE left.
[01/27/25 17:17:45] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid carded some Adidas clothes from an on-line dealer !!! This moves them [2 days, 03:57:12] closer towards level [113].
[01/28/25 14:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Achilles [225/1020] has challenged IPv6Bid [1989/29871] in combat and LOST! [24 days, 01:44:45] is added to Achilles clock. Achilles gets [1]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Achilles has [55] LIFE left.
[01/29/25 21:42:35] (GODSEND) IPv6Bid took his vitamins !!! This moves them [1 day, 05:38:37] closer towards level [113].
[02/01/25 23:06:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hypnos [18/185] has challenged IPv6Bid [5109/29871] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 10:27:41] is added to Hypnos clock. Hypnos gets [2]XP and IPv6Bid gets [3]XP. Hypnos has [10] LIFE left.

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