Player Stats

User: shadow
Level: 388
Next level: 29 days, 10:25:17
Life: 100
XP: 6010
Gold: 9124766
Gems: 145967
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Rogue
Exp Used: 5/5
Scrolls Used: 5/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Sat May 18 07:23:16 2024
User Host: shadow-!
Admin?: Yes
Account Created: Sat May 28 09:28:04 2022
Last login: Sun Oct 9 23:33:39 2022
Status: Online
Total time idled: 586 days, 23:11:50
Current position: [443,500]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 147 days, 03:01:02
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0 days, 00:39:05
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 1822808
boots: 1344306
charm: 1288784
gloves: 1712395
helm: 1706548
leggings: 1364836
ring: 1753865
shield: 1727365
tunic: 1618872
weapon: 1377217

Sum: 15716996

Expert 1: gloves
Expert 2: weapon
Expert 3: tunic

Stone 1: XP
Stone 2: rand
Stone 3: Gold

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 10427
Battles Lost: 3555
Total Battle Time Removed: 34961 days, 02:15:15
Total Battle Time Added: 3936 days, 01:17:16
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: 19573 days, 12:29:45
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 2 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 0 days, 08:56:54

Total: 19575 days, 21:26:39
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[05/16/24 09:20:26] (ATTACK-CREEP) shadow [5275409/16103864] has attacked a Satan [50093/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:48:25 is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets 4 XP.
[05/16/24 17:12:34] (ATTACK-CREEP) shadow [4167968/16103864] has attacked a Satan [100829/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 01:19:23 is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets 5 XP.
[05/16/24 17:12:34] (SLAY-DRAGON) shadow [5371658/16103864] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [577510/700000] and WON! [0 days, 00:37:42] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [6] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/17/24 04:41:16] (SLAY-DRAGON) shadow [6324793/16104121] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [132435/700000] and WON! [0 days, 00:19:33] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [1] XP. Each item gains [25] points.
[05/17/24 04:41:18] (ATTACK-CREEP) shadow [7728609/16188086] has attacked a Satan [267276/300000] and killed it! 0 days, 00:38:07 is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets 3 XP.
[05/17/24 16:38:03] (RANDOM-FIGHT) shadow [14814104/16188086] has challenged Hypnos [2/601] in combat and WON! [71 days, 20:30:34] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [3]XP and Hypnos gets [1]XP. Hypnos has [86] LIFE left.
[05/17/24 17:02:14] (RANDOM-FIGHT) shadow [921426/16188086] has challenged tcl [840/940] in combat and WON! [6 days, 23:33:36] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [4]XP and tcl gets [2]XP. tcl has [84] LIFE left.
[05/18/24 02:02:22] (RANDOM-FIGHT) shadow [4438881/16188086] has challenged Chaos [372/515] in combat and WON! [6 days, 15:53:09] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [1]XP and Chaos gets [2]XP. Chaos has [78] LIFE left.
[05/18/24 02:02:24] (ATTACK-CREEP) shadow [9417201/16188086] has attacked a Satan [46495/300000] and killed it! 1 day, 15:01:51 is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets 4 XP.
[05/18/24 02:02:26] (SLAY-DRAGON) shadow [15671603/16188086] tried to slay a Diamond_Dragon [210646/700000] and WON! [0 days, 18:20:40] is removed from shadow clock. shadow gets [6] XP. Each item gains [25] points.

[View all Character Modifiers] (14604)
