Player Stats

User: Verstappen
Class: Max Verstappen
Level: 99
Next level: 23 days, 04:24:59
Life: 97
XP: 9814
Gold: 260547
Gems: 1733
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Wizard
Exp Used: 0/5
Scrolls Used: 0/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Sat May 18 06:28:16 2024
User Host: Verstappen!Max@2603:c020:800c:5a00:7557:ef20:712f:c6d
Admin?: No
Account Created: Wed Jun 8 14:27:56 2022
Last login: Sat Jul 16 06:13:58 2022
Status: Offline
Total time idled: 540 days, 14:18:09
Current position: [78,678]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 345 days, 15:13:04
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 5463
boots: 529
charm: 29342
gloves: 663
helm: 5690
leggings: 592
ring: 427
shield: 697
tunic: 7699
weapon: 435

Sum: 51537

Expert 1: amulet
Expert 2: helm
Expert 3: 0

Stone 1: Gem
Stone 2: XP
Stone 3: rand

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 354
Battles Lost: 364
Total Battle Time Removed: 808 days, 21:12:14
Total Battle Time Added: 489 days, 22:22:15
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: 0 days, 04:02:15
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: None
for quit: 0 days, 16:14:45

Total: 0 days, 20:17:00
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[04/02/24 14:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Hendricks [2131/2135] has challenged Verstappen [29349/51557] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 15:59:52] is added to Hendricks clock. Hendricks gets [2]XP and Verstappen gets [3]XP. Hendricks has [18] LIFE left.
[04/02/24 19:56:08] (CALAMITY) Verstappen was attacked by a rabid cow !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [5 days, 17:16:02] from level [100] .
[04/04/24 18:52:19] (GODSEND) Verstappen stopped using dial-up !!! This moves them [6 days, 04:06:25] closer towards level [100].
[04/05/24 05:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Amon [87/785] has challenged Verstappen [23086/51557] in combat and LOST! [NA (-8597)] is added to Amon clock. Amon gets [1]XP and Verstappen gets [4]XP. Amon has [92] LIFE left.
[04/06/24 05:32:56] (CALAMITY) Verstappen got turned INSIDE OUT, practically !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [3 days, 01:36:03] from level [100] .
[04/09/24 19:08:58] (GODSEND) Verstappen bought a faster computer !!! This moves them [4 days, 18:20:19] closer towards level [100].
[04/10/24 23:00:18] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Uriel [659/672] has challenged Verstappen [17732/51557] in combat and LOST! [7 days, 22:49:28] is added to Uriel clock. Uriel gets [1]XP and Verstappen gets [4]XP. Uriel has [92] LIFE left.
[04/12/24 18:51:39] (RANDOMFIGHT) Verstappen [17639/51557] has come upon tcl [655/741] and taken them in combat! [5 days, 08:00:31] is removed from Verstappen clock. Verstappen gets [2] XP and tcl gets [2] XP. tcl has [81] life left.
[04/12/24 19:00:16] (RANDOM-FIGHT) blackwidow [1433/1897] has challenged Verstappen [45228/51557] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 09:55:42] is added to blackwidow clock. blackwidow gets [1]XP and Verstappen gets [4]XP. blackwidow has [86] LIFE left.
[04/13/24 08:02:34] (RANDOMFIGHT) Verstappen [31921/51557] has come upon Haldir [230/538] and taken them in combat! [5 days, 08:11:46] is removed from Verstappen clock. Verstappen gets [3] XP and Haldir gets [1] XP. Haldir has [61] life left.

[View all Character Modifiers] (940)
