Player Stats

User: Motorhead
Class: Killed By Death
Level: 388
Next level: 30 days, 21:50:00
Life: 100
XP: 16
Gold: 5345
Gems: 6660
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Paladin
Exp Used: 5/5
Scrolls Used: 4/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 1/1

Data Refreshed: Sat May 18 07:10:16 2024
User Host: M0T0RH3AD!weedftw@2605:6400:c847:1461::1641
Admin?: No
Account Created: Fri Jul 29 20:58:36 2022
Last login: Fri Nov 17 11:32:09 2023
Status: Offline
Total time idled: 529 days, 14:08:48
Current position: [512,446]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 50 days, 14:04:53
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0
Dragon Slay in: 0
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 1562003
boots: 1270850
charm: 1600256
gloves: 1083905
helm: 1413041
leggings: 1360873
ring: 1614776
shield: 1549288
tunic: 1569912
weapon: 1070327

Sum: 14095231

Expert 1: shield
Expert 2: boots
Expert 3: weapon

Stone 1: Life
Stone 2: Gem
Stone 3: Gem

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 5672
Battles Lost: 1507
Total Battle Time Removed: 46892 days, 11:27:03
Total Battle Time Added: 8294 days, 17:38:50
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: None
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 5 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 8 days, 15:10:36

Total: 13 days, 15:10:36
Above Is Excluding Battles

Recent Character Modifiers

[03/28/24 10:56:25] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Motorhead [13139096/14353008] has challenged Tauriel [420/671] in combat and WON! [75 days, 15:16:24] is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets [1]XP and Tauriel gets [1]XP. Tauriel has [93] LIFE left.
[03/28/24 10:56:54] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [11385770/14353008] has attacked a Werewolf [148894/150000] and killed it! 15 days, 03:03:15 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 4 XP.
[03/28/24 14:57:12] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [7488261/14353008] has attacked a Werewolf [72332/150000] and killed it! 2 days, 22:57:26 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 4 XP.
[03/28/24 18:57:47] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [5215217/14418000] has attacked a Werewolf [67207/150000] and killed it! 2 days, 18:35:01 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 3 XP.
[03/28/24 22:58:05] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [6694147/14418000] has attacked a Werewolf [28779/150000] and killed it! 2 days, 15:03:14 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 4 XP.
[03/29/24 02:58:20] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [12205697/14418000] has attacked a Werewolf [61040/150000] and killed it! 1 day, 18:41:08 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 3 XP.
[03/29/24 06:58:35] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [10728120/14418000] has attacked a Werewolf [5939/150000] and killed it! 1 day, 16:21:04 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 3 XP.
[03/29/24 08:19:43] (CALAMITY) Motorhead lost their mind !!! This terrible calamity has slowed them [2 days, 13:13:33] from level [389] .
[03/29/24 10:58:53] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [1663469/14418000] has attacked a Werewolf [18695/150000] and killed it! 1 day, 17:11:41 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 5 XP.
[03/29/24 14:59:07] (ATTACK-CREEP) Motorhead [14117057/14484776] has attacked a Werewolf [19520/150000] and killed it! 1 day, 14:56:05 is removed from Motorhead clock. Motorhead gets 5 XP.

[View all Character Modifiers] (7598)
